Chapter 25 - Friend or Foe

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Wanda had come out for lunch. Natasha, Tony, and Clint were sitting in the living room when Pietro pulled her in. "Sit," He told her before going to make her something to eat.

Pietro, come back I'm not hungry

I need you to be hungry


Because our whole lives we've been hungry without enough food. Now we have all the food we could ever wish for, and we aren't hungry.

Well then you can eat

No, we will both eat


No, Wanda. You need to get used to eating again.

She sighed angrily as Pietro put a sandwich on the coffee table in front of her.

Eat, Wanda, please

"Bird boy!" Natasha yelled as Wanda took the plate of food in front of her. "We are watching, with or without you."

"Calm down, I'm right here" Sam sat down next to Tony across from Clint and the twins. Natasha pressed play as Wanda started eating. Halfway through the episode, Steve came in with a new team member. Everyone was so focused on the show, however, that no one heard or saw them come in.

"Guys-" They all jumped and turned around. Sam had yelped, and Wanda sat frozen. She stared at the table in front of her. Pietro rubbed her arm, but she didn't come back.

"Steve!" Natasha scolded. "We just went over this!"

"You didn't see us come in?"

"We were watching the Kardashians, man." Sam said, still breathing heavy. Pietro was snapping his fingers in front of Wanda. "Hey, Hey, you're here, you're fine." He kept telling her but she wasn't listening. She just stared.

"For the record, I'm willing to bet it was Sam's scream that scared her" Tony pointed out.

"Oh, excuse me" Sam glared at him.

"Okay," Pietro gave up and took Wanda back to her room. He sat down and leaned her against him. "Wanda," He whispered, "Come back, Sestra. They're gone, they're out in the living room. It's quiet and safe here, okay?" He sat there for a few minutes, rubbing his hands up and down her arms. He let out a sigh of relief when he heard her take a deep breath.

"Hey," He turned her to face him, "Here?"

"Here" She breathed. "Did I-"

"No, you didn't do anything. I couldn't get you back, so I brought you in here." He told her.


"Okay?" He joked

"Okay." She nudged him.

"Good to go back?" She nodded.

They walked back to the living room. Wanda froze when everyone turned to look at them. Clint hit Tony's arm and they all looked away. They went back over to them and sat down.

"I'm sorry, Wanda. I thought you knew I came in."

"No no, it's my fault. I should have been paying better attention"

"Anyway, I meant to introduce you to our new team member. This is Bucky." They hadn't noticed the man standing next to him. He had long hair covering his face and a metal arm. Wanda's face fell into concentration as she focused on his mind.

The twins...they escaped. I suppose that's good, they deserve to be free after all that.

He knew them. She tried hard to think of where she might have seen him. He knew they had escaped from HYDRA. How did he know them? She dug farther and found his memories. She almost gasped. The Winter Soldier. He had been in the room for the final testing. He must have escaped too.

"Wanda?" She jumped. Everyone was looking at her. She put her head down, embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." She looked up. Why should this man, Bucky, be sorry?

"I, um, what?" She asked.

"I'm sorry you had to see all that." She looked down again. He knew she was going through his mind. Everyone else shared a look of confusion before Tony spoke up.

"So, Steve better get to making dinner, yeah?" He announced, steering away from the subject. Steve rolled his eyes and made his way towards the kitchen.

That man, he knew us

Wanda, I thought you didn't like going into people's heads?

I know, but he looked so dangerous

So? As if he could hurt us

He knows us...


The Winter Soldier. The man in the testing room?

That's him?


Are you sure?


Right, sorry

I'll back in a while

She got up, went to her room, grabbed her guitar and the laptop, and sat down on the floor. She wasn't sure how to feel about this man. She still felt as though he was dangerous, but wasn't that what everyone thought of her? He said he was glad they had escaped. He obviously pitied them. For once, though, she didn't mind.

"What the hell is it that you always think so hard about?" Her brother's voice startled her. He standing at the doorway, leaning on the frame.

"It's a different thing every time." She responded, annoyed.

"It's that man, isn't it?" He went and sat on the corner of the bed. He realized he probably spent more time in her room than his own.

"I can't decide if he's dangerous or not." She admitted, "But that's what everyone thinks of us isn't it?" He thought for a moment.

"We'll just be careful. We don't know the guy, he's probably more friendly than we think."


"Come on, dinner's ready."


"Steve was lazy and ordered pizza" He smirked. Of course, he did. "It'll be fine, Wanda. You need to stop worrying so much"

Bude to v pořádku... (It'll be fine...)


Hey guys! This chapter might also suck, but I mean, all of it does. So at least it fits in.😂

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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