Chapter 28 - Careful

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They touched down in the middle of a forest, the ground covered with leaves. They were meant to take down a HYDRA base, which looked all too much like the one in Sokovia. The team left the jet and went to spread out, surrounding the area, waiting for the guards to sound the alarm. Wanda and Bucky stood by the backdrop and watched as they left.

"Please be careful" Wanda begged her brother, squeezing his hand.

"I promise I will." He told her, kissing her head before speeding off. Wanda slipped into the shadows when the soldiers started rushing out, careful that they wouldn't see her there. Bucky stood behind her, not quite able to hide in the shadows, but was hidden behind Wanda. They watched as the team all ended up in the same place. So much for spreading out. Clearly, there were more soldiers than they expected. Wanda watched until she couldn't bear it anymore. She slipped off her leather jacket revealing her black tank-top. "Wanda-"

"I'll be right back." She walked out and flew herself up unto the roof of the building, where they couldn't see her. Bucky ran out after her, and she wrapped her magic around him to pull him as well.

"What are you doing?"

"Being careful." She said simply. She balanced a ball of energy in her hands and flung it at a soldier sneaking up behind Steve. She continued to fling magic at soldiers from the above, where no one knew where she was. But after a while, she saw just what had haunted her dreams that night. A turret emerged from the wall of the building, firing rapidly at the team. She flew down and landing directly in front of Steve, throwing up a shield at the last minute.


"I'm really gonna need you guys to get out of here." She told him.

"Wait a minute-"

"Steve, go." She said sternly. The team ran out into the forest, hiding behind the trees. She felt herself falter as more and more bullets were shot at her. She took a deep breath and put another layer of magic in front of her. She could do this. Bucky jumped down from the roof.

"Bucky stay there!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Clearly!" She stood there, putting up another layer of magic every few seconds. How much ammo can this thing have? She sighed in annoyance, before flinging a hex at the turret, blowing it up. She fell to the ground as the shield disappeared. Bucky ran to her as the team went and quickly started setting up the bombs on the side of the building. She was ashen and her hands were bleeding. Pietro ran up to them.

"Get her back to the jet!" He instructed. Bucky picked up as gently as he could and ran her back to the jet. He laid her on a row of seats and got out the first aid kit from underneath the pilot seat. He quickly cleaned her hands and wrapped them. The team came sprinting in as the bombs started to go off, blowing up the building as they left.

Clint and Natasha ran to the cockpit and started the fly back to the compound. Pietro ran to Bucky and Wanda but sat beside her for a few minutes to catch his breath. Bucky got up so Pietro could take his place kneeling beside her. Pietro carefully took her hand and looked at it. The blood wasn't soaking through the bandages, so it must have stopped bleeding. The fly back was silent, except for Sam's heavy breathing. When they finally landed back at the compound, Pietro lifted Wanda into his arms and started bringing her to his room.

"Woah, wait. Shouldn't we bring her to the medical ward?" Steve asked. Pietro sighed an set her down on the couch for a minute.

"Captain, she is not hurt. Well, not in the way that the doctors would be able to treat. It's magical exhaustion. She'll wake up in a while."

"Okay, but shouldn't we at least get the doctors to monitor her?"

"No," Pietro stated, grabbing his sister and running her back to his room. He laid her down on the bed and put a thin blanket over her. He turned the lights off, knowing her head would be hurting when she woke up. Then he pulled his desk chair up to the bed and sat beside her.


Pietro had been sitting with his sister for nearly three hours before she woke up. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

"Hey," Pietro said quietly, "How are you feeling?" She nodded and slowly sat up. She lifted her hands to her head before she noticed the bandages. Her eyes widened in fear, and tears started filling her eyes. Then Pietro realized he should have taken them off before she woke up. He should have known it would have scared her into thinking she was back at HYDRA.

"Hey, hey, hey." She grabbed her hands and brought them away from her face. "I need you to remember what happened, okay? We're at the Avengers compound, remember?" She thought for a minute before nodding.

"Right...yeah, okay" She looked down at her hands and picked at the bandages. He put his hands on hers to stop her.

"Your hands started bleeding when you let go of the shield." He explained, "You need to leave them on so they can heal, okay?" She looked down at them uncertainly. "Here" He got up, took a blue marker from his desk, and started drawing on the bandages. So when she looked at them, she would know she wasn't back there. She looked down at them and smiled. It was the symbol with the three swirls from his wrist.

"There, see? If we were there, they wouldn't let us draw on them, would they?" She shook her head.

He sat down beside her and stroked her head. "How do you feel?" He noticed how she was still squinting against the light, even though he had turned it off. She shook her head again, putting it in her hands. He brought his hand up and massaged her head as she leaned against him. They sat there in silence for a while, until she sat up.

"Feel any better?"

"Yeah..." She said quietly.

"Here," He handed her the guitar he had brought in while she was unconscious. "Stay in here for a bit." He told her, kissing her head. He got up and left, closing the door behind him. He jumped when he saw Bucky standing outside the door. "How long have you been standing there?"

"About since she woke up." He told him as they both started walking towards the living room. "What was so wrong with her bandages that she wanted them off so badly?"

"When we were with HYDRA," Pietro started, "We had cuts and scars on our wrists. So there was usually bandages on them. That's why you often see me with long sleeves and Wanda with her leather wrist bracers." He lifted his sleeves to reveal his scars.

"What's that one from?" Bucky pointed to the swirls on his right wrist.

"When we were given our powers, they...they burnt symbols onto our wrists." He said slowly.

"I'd say I'm sorry, but I think we both know better than that." They chuckled as they sat on the couch across from Sam and Clint.

"How's she doing?" Clint asked, leaning forward.

"She's alright. She's playing the guitar in my room." He told them, "She'll come out for dinner." Clint nodded and sat back.

"We should have listened to her." He said, looking down.

"Hey, she's okay. Nothing horrible happened and we still completed the mission."


"We were about to play Monopoly, wanna play?" Sam asked them. Pietro and Bucky shared a look.


"It's a game that destroys friendships" Clint smirked, "And it's a lot of fun. Come on, we'll teach you."

Hra, která ničí přátelství... (A game that destroys friendships...)


Hey guys! Me again. So, I have nothing better to do with my summer, so I'm writing a lot more than I probably should. That might be why it keeps getting worse.🤷‍♀️ I really have no idea how to write fight scenes of any kind, so forgive me for that.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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