Chapter 8 - Selfish

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Wanda woke up screaming, gasping for breath. She couldn't feel any oxygen in her lungs until she saw her brother's face in front of her.

"Wanda, it's alright. I'm here." He cooed. She took a deep breath and let him hug her.

"Right." She wasn't sure what she was dreaming about that frightened her so much, but she hated it. It was so bad that she was afraid to sleep. She made Pietro sit with her while she slept, even if he didn't want to sleep himself.

"How long was I asleep?" He looked down at his stolen watch.

"About an hour and a half." Not bad.

"Alright." She stood up and walked outside. It was dark already. She let the wind blow her hair around wildly. What should she do? Should they go back? They were homeless before, and it wasn't like they weren't living. Pietro worked hard to bring them food and other things. They weren't living horribly.

But her goal remained the same. Tony Stark. But how could they do anything on their own? HYDRA was doing all the work for them. In fact, HYDRA was going to lure them right to the base. She was so lost in thought she didn't hear Pietro walk up behind her.

"Are you alright?" He put a blanket around her shoulders.

"Yeah. Probably."

"Probably?" He smirked.

"I think we should go back," She started, "They were going to bring Stark to us."

"Alright." He sighed. "We'll go back tomorrow."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

He went inside the tent and brought out a new dress for her.

"We better change then, don't you think?" She laughed, making him grin. He had successfully made her laugh. She changed into another black dress, similar to her last one. Pietro came in wearing a new jacket. She grabbed the other two rings that didn't fit onto her fingers and slid them on, not wanting to leave them behind.

"Wanna sleep?" He asked gently, not wanting her to be upset again.

"No..." She whispered, "But you should."

"You'll be okay?"

"I'll wake you up if I need you." She sat next to him and linked their minds.

She could link to anyone, anytime. But she only really wanted to be linked to him. Besides, she didn't really have anyone else. She had un-linked their minds last nights when she was feeling guilty, not wanting him to know how she was feeling. They could talk and feel each other's feelings and thoughts through their connection. Piero had marveled at it when she showed him a year ago. The memory made her smile.

They were going back to HYDRA. She was going to have a shot at Stark. And if they hurt either one of them, she would hurt them back.

Simple as that.


Hey guys! Sorry, this took so long, as I said, I was fixing the previous chapters before I was gonna continue. I really hope this isn't too dry, and that it makes sense with the rest of the story. Please let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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