Chapter 21 - Home

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It had been a week and Wanda still hadn't moved. Clint went away for a few days to visit his family, so she sat there alone. She had started staring at the wall, not caring about anything anymore. She was exhausted but was afraid to sleep. She would wake up screaming, and Pietro wouldn't be there to bring her back to reality. And what if he woke up while she was asleep? She felt as though if she wasn't watching, he would slip away to easily. So she didn't move at all.

Wanda was brought of her thoughts by the heart monitor, suddenly beeping faster. She felt the familiar feeling as their mind reconnected. "Pietro?" She said desperately. Then she realized how foolish she was to let herself hope. She couldn't or else the pain of it not working would be even worse. She closed her eyes tightly, and when she opened them, he was sitting next to her. She gasped and touched his arm, confirming the fact that he was really there.

I'm here Sestra.

"You, you..." She couldn't even form a sentence. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. "I thought you had left me"

"No, Wanda I would never leave you." She smiled. A doctor was standing by his bed, shocked.

"I um...came to check on you, but um, you're awake. Okay, let me help you." She went over to the corner and unhooked all the cords attached to him. She handed him some new clothes. "Here, you can change into these. We had to cut your shirt off during surgery". Pietro stood up and pulled Wanda with him. He went into the room next to them to change and came out in a few seconds wearing sweatpants and a hoodie. Wanda quickly latched on to him, unwilling to leave his side for a minute. He chuckled and kissed her head.

"Thank you, Sestra."

"For what?"

"Not letting me leave you." She smiled. She had put her magic into his head that day on the Helicarrier, to stop his mind from leaving. Then she just had to wait for the doctors to take care of his body. She hadn't expected that he would know though.

Clint walked in. "Hey kid, I bought some-" He stopped in his tracks. "Oh my god..."

"You guys told me to walk it off." He smirked.

"Thank you." Clint said sincerely.

"You're welcome"

"Well, now that you're back, you can tell your sister to eat and sleep." Pietro looked down at her, accusingly.

"I ate a few days ago..." She said quietly. Pietro sighed.

"I'll show you the living quarters." Pietro draped his arm around Wanda's shoulders as Clint led them down the hallway to the living room and kitchen. "This is where everyone spends most of their time." He told them. He led them down another hallway, with staggered doors on both sides. "And this is where everyone sleeps." He walked to the end of the hall. "These are your rooms." He gestured to two doors side by side. "I'll leave you guys to get settled in." He walked back the way they came, most likely to the training room.

Pietro opened the door to Wanda's room. It had a double bed in the middle against the back wall. There was a TV across from it and a door leading to the bathroom in the corner. She opened the walk-in closet to find it full. All the clothes were just like the ones she would wear in Sokovia. Black and red dresses and leather jackets. She gave a small smile.

Then Pietro realized what she was currently wearing. It was the exact dress and jacket she had worn during the battle. "Wanda," She turned to him. "When was the last time you left the medical room?" She looked down.

"When Clint told me I had to eat..." He sighed and went over to her. There was a cut above her left eyebrow, just like there had been during the fight. He rubbed his thumb over it. It had scarred. She must not have gotten it patched up when they arrived. "You need to take care of yourself, Wanda."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that." She smiled.

He chuckled. "Please get some rest." She nodded as he left.

He walked back to the living room where Clint was loading the dishwasher.

"She okay?" He asked as Pietro sat at the bar.

"She just needs to rest, I think." He nodded.

"I think she needs to realize she has a home here." Pietro looked at him quizzically.


"She was telling me." He started, "About her anxiety." Pietro sighed. He had been trying to help her for years, to no avail. "How careful she is...It's heartbreaking. I couldn't get her to sit on the couch until I told her to. I took her in here, to make her some pasta. Nat, Steve, and Tony were sitting on the couches over there, and she tried to leave. She doesn't speak, unless spoken to, and doesn't do anything - I mean anything - until someone tells her too."

"Yeah, she's always been like that. That's why you often see her just doing whatever I do."

"I won't let her live like that." Clint told him, " Yesterday I got her to come to the medical room on her own. I intend to get her to live on her own. She needs to know she can live here."

"Thank you. I can't help her on my own anymore."

"You won't have too, kid. I am determined to fix her." He stated as he rinsed a pot.

"I think I'm going to lay down for a bit." Pietro stood.

"Alright, I'll come get you when dinner is ready." Pietro frowned.

"You guys have dinner here?"

"Well yeah, why wouldn't we?"

"I suppose I never thought superheroes would act like a big happy family like that." He smirked

Clint chuckled. "Everyone has a night, and that night they cook dinner for everyone. We are like that around here, kid. A big happy family." Pietro's smirk didn't falter.

"Okay then" He walked out of the room.

"Pietro?" He turned back to Clint.

"Welcome to the family." Pietro smiled and walked back to his room. He went to check on Wanda and found her curled up on the bed, wearing a loose pair of shorts and a tank top. He smiled at the sight of her resting and went to lay in his own bed. Maybe they would be okay here. Maybe they really did have a home here.

"Vítej v rodině (Welcome to the family)"


Hey guys! Now that Age of Ultron is over, I am back having a lot of fun with these chapters. It is now entirely up to me as to where this story goes and I love that.
A lot of this chapter was based off a story called "Connected". It's a ScarletVision fanfic, but I don't remember who wrote it...

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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