Chapter 27 - Imagining Things

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Pietro woke up to a pounding at his door. He groaned and got up.

"Your sister needs you," Bucky spoke quickly.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Wanda! I'm talking about Wanda. She's...doing something." Pietro's eyes widened.

"Where is she?"

"On the balcony." He ran out through the living room to the balcony, Bucky following as quickly as he could. Wanda was sitting on the ground, staring out into the city. There were tears streaming down her face. Pietro quickly sat in front of her, brushed her hair back and snapped his fingers in front of her. He really didn't know why he kept doing it, it never worked. But being frantic wasn't going to bring her back. He took a deep breath.

"Wanda," He spoke softly, "Hey, you're okay. There's nothing out here. It's safe. You can come back." He sat there, with Bucky looking at them with concern. It took an absurd amount of time, but eventually, she flinched and screamed. She covered her mouth with her hands as Pietro wrapped his arms around her. Bucky let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, you're okay. You're back." She nodded and took a deep breath. "Come, I'll take you away for a while." He stood and picked her up. He nodded at Bucky before speeding away. He sat her on the bed in her room. "Here?" She nodded.

"I'm sorry, I don't know-"

"No, Wanda, don't do that." She sighed and leaned on him.

"I'm okay." She told him.


"Sure. I'm just going to stay here for a while"

"Call me if you need me, okay?" She nodded as he left the room. He walked back to the living room and saw Bucky still standing in the doorway of the balcony. He walked up behind him.

"What happened to her?" He asked quietly.

"She's okay," Pietro said shortly. "But what happened out here?"

"I came out and she was sleeping on the ground. I went to wake her up, she screamed and then, she was just...sitting there." Pietro nodded.

"She has trouble sleeping. Her powers give her nightmares, so when she wakes up sometimes, she isn't fully here. She gets stuck in between reality and her dreams for a while."

"She told me last night she doesn't sleep" Pietro chuckled.

"Apparently, that's what she tells everyone." He thought for a moment. "She doesn't like to sleep. Or rather, she's afraid to sleep. When she gets stuck like that, it hurts her. When I was in the hospital, she didn't sleep at all. For a whole week. She thought that if I wasn't there to bring her back, she would get stuck there." He sighed. "I wish she didn't have to go through that every time she rests."

"There isn't a way we can fix her?"

"Nope. We've been trying for years" Bucky sighed.

"I shouldn't have woken her up."

"It would've happened whether you woke her up or not"

They both turned and walked back over to the living room. Pietro went to make some toast while Bucky sat down with Steve. Pietro looked over at the clock above the fridge. The mission wasn't for another few hours, so Natasha, Clint, and Sam were probably training. He knew that Stark was in a meeting all morning, so he wouldn't be coming.

"Alright, morons! Let's get an episode in before we gotta leave." Sam, Clint, and Nat came in and plopped down on the couch.

"Clint, can you cut up some fruit? I'm gonna go get Wanda." Clint nodded and went up to where Pietro had been cutting some strawberries. Pietro found Wanda standing at the windowsill, watching the rain. "Hey, we're watching the drama girls show." Wanda giggled.

"You know that's not what it's called." She said, turning towards him

"That's what it should be called."


"What's wrong?" He walked over to her as she turned back to face the window.

"I don't think we should be going on this mission..."


"We just...shouldn't."

"Wanda," He said accusingly "Why?" She sighed.

"I remember my dream..." She said quietly. Pietro looked over at her. It wasn't often she remembered her dreams, but when she did, they were like visions.


"We just...shouldn't go." He sighed.

"Come on, you need to eat"

Clint handed her the bowl of strawberries when she sat down. Pietro sat beside her and draped his arm around her shoulders. When the show ended, Steve told everyone to suit up.

"Wait," Pietro stopped them. Wanda quickly got up and tried to leave. Pietro grabbed her arm and pulled her back down. "How important is this mission?"

Steve looked puzzled. "I don't know, pretty important I guess. Why?"

"We shouldn't be going," Pietro told them.

"What? Why not?" Natasha demanded

"Someone's going to hurt, something bad is going to happen."

"How do you know?" Clint said patiently. Everyone else seemed to just get more and more annoyed.

"Wanda had a dream."

"She dreams every night, we all do." Natasha sighed.

"But not like she does," Wanda was sitting with her knees up to her chest and her head down.

"Yeah, we know that for sure."

"It's fine, let's just go." Wanda interrupted.

"Thank you!" Sam said on his way to the training room, where everyone's gear was.


"Pietro, it's fine. I'm probably imagining things."

"I don't think you are," Bucky said from behind them. "I mean, do you think you are?" She looked down.


"No, Wanda, stop that. When was the last time you've just imagined something?"

"There's a first time for everything..."

"Maybe let's just go get ready, and we'll keep a lookout for anything that might go wrong," Bucky suggested.

"Great idea!" Wanda stood up and followed him down to the equipment room. Everyone was standing near the door, waiting for them. Pietro threw on a DryFit shirt similar to the one he wore in Sokovia. Bucky and Wanda just stood there, waiting for him to tie up his runners since they weren't fighting. When he was finished, they all went up to where FRIDAY had the jet ready. Wanda took a deep breath before going to sit across from Pietro. Bucky sat beside her as they started to take off. "We'll be careful." He told her.

Budeme opatrní... (We'll be careful)


Hey guys! This one is also really long, I have no idea why I'm doing that.

Let me know what you think!

Talk later,


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