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"okay!! Time to play..." Jordan started. He was choosing a game. God help us all. "Drumroll please!"
"No." Declan and Bennett said bluntly.
"Fine. Anyways, we are going to play..."
"Spit it out all ready! You have a big enough mouth." Declan said impatiently.
"That's a first for you asking him to speak Declan. Is there a bit of Jeclan going on?" I asked.

"Naomi you are so dead." Declan said annoyed.
"Aw! Is little Declan blushing?"
"1) I'm not blushing and 2) if I'm little then what are you?"
"Adorable." Jordan jumped in. "Naomi is adorable. Anyways, we are playing, TRUTH OR DARE!"

"No!!!!" Me, Declan and Bennett said in unison. Then Declans face lit up. He moved over to Jordan and whispered something. They kept staring at a confused Bennett and me. We looked at eachother then turned back to them. Jordan just nodded then high fived Declan.

"I'm scared." I whispered to Bennett. He just kept his poker face on and didn't show any expression what so ever, like usual.

"They are planning something. Something involving us." He whispered back.

I put my head in my hands. Great. When they plan something it's evil. Then I came up with a plan. I whispered it to Bennett.

"Aww! They're so cute together. Jeclan is the most adorable couple, aren't they Bennett?"

"Uh-huh. I wonder when they're gonna fuck?" He whispered it but said it loud enough for them to hear.

"Bennett!" I said as if telling him off. "They're sure to do it right after this game." They were staring at us now. Both blushing like mad.

"Lets start!" Jordan butted in.

"I will start!" Declan shouted. He stared at me. "Bennett. I dare you to..." He acted like he was thinking but said Bennett.

"You didn't even ask truth or dare." Bennett said bluntly. "But I choose pass."

"No passes." Jordan said.

"Since when?"

"Since now."

"Now, Bennett. Truth or dare?"


"Do you like Naomi."

"Does as a friend count as liking her?"

"No I meant.. nevermind."

"That's what I thought."

I stared at Jordan giving him the 'why did that happen' look. He gave back the 'Bennett was planning to murder him' look.

Bennett saw our looks. "Yes. Jordan was right. I was planning Declans death. And Jordans at that."

I rolled my eyes. "My go! Jordan, I dare you to sit on D-" Bennett started whispering to me. "Do that for your turn." I whispered. "Anyways, Jordan I dare you to sit on Declans lap for the next five minutes."


"Ten minutes."


"I'll make it fifteen."


Jordan sat on Declans lap. Declan had to put his chin on Jordans shoulder to see everyone. "Aww! He has his head on Jordans shoulder!" I got my phone out.

"Naomi, what are you doing?"

"Taking a selfie." I did a fake pose but actually took a picture of them then one of me. I showed them the selfie. "See."

"Naomi, can you delete that?" Bennett asked.


"Look in the background." Bennett was sat in the background with his poker face on.

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