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I looked at Parker with fire in my eyes. "How dare you?! How dare you come here and try to get back into my life?!" I screamed at my ex.

"Naomi, listen-"

"No, you listen to me! I want you gone. Out of my life for good. No more accidentally seeing you on the street when it's obviously not an accident. No more trying to wriggle back into my life. I don't want it. I don't care about you. I don't want you! You broke me, Parker, and now I'm back together, stronger than ever. Do you never learn? I always come back stronger. You've bullied me for, what, 11 years? Haven't you learnt anything? Actually, that's impossible. You don't have a brain." I finished my rant, not wanting to end it though.

"Naomi, listen."

"Again, no. You'll just make an excuse to get me back. I'll end up falling for you again, then the cycle will repeat. Well, Parker, that will never happen! I won't let you under my skin once more in my life!" I could feel the fire blazing in my body, rising higher and higher, about to unleash itself out of my body.

"There she is!" Someone shouted. The boys came running up to me and glared at Parker.

"Naomi, please! Just hear me out!" Parker begged.

"Fine. Let's see what lane excuse you have now." I rolled my eyes.

"I love you, I really do. If I didn't tell you about it being a dare, Raymond would. But I really did fall for you when we were dating." He started.

I cut him off. "Excuses."

"It's not an excuse! I'm telling the truth, Naomi. Why won't you believe me?!" Tears streamed down his face but mercy was yet to even graze me.

"It's all fake. That's why, Parker."

"No, it's not! Please, just give me another chance. Please, I'm begging you."

"I can see your begging. But I'm over you."

"Are you dating someone?" He asked, almost inaudibly.

"Maybe. Why do you care, anyways?"

"Because, I love you!" He screamed at me.

"If you loved me then you would leave me alone."

"I can't! Your fucking with my head! Your on my mind 24/7."

"Yeah, pranks to do on me and my reaction." I spat.

"If you are dating someone, can you at least tell me if you are? I want to get you off my mind but it's so hard because I know you hate the guts of me."

"Understatement of the year." I muttered.

"Please, Naomi."


I wasn't even dating anyone, but I do like someone. I also knew what I was going to do.

I turned to Bennett and slammed my lips onto his. His moved with mine after recovering from a couple of seconds of shock. People started to crowd us and take photos, including Declan and Jordan. They high fives and shouted Bennomi.

I didn't want the kiss to end. It was as if I was lost in the moment.

Bennett pulled away so I turned to Parker. "Does that make it clearer?"

He just nodded and ran off, tears covering his face.

Me and the boys headed to the car. I sat in the back next to Declan. "Bennett, I'm sorry. I didn't know who to go to and your the calmest out of three. I wanted him to leave us alone-" I started to rant, trying to lie about me not liking him and did it because he's the calmest.

"Naomi, it's fine." He interrupted. "I knew what you were trying to do, so don't worry."

"Thank God."

"Bennomi is the best!" Jordan shouted.

"More like Jeclan." Bennett responded.

"When is Jeclan going to be a thing? There's way too much sexual tension." I asked.

"Never." Jeclan said.

"Well, that's what's going to happen with Bennomi." I said, bluntly.

"You do realise Bennett has the biggest crush on you, right?" Declan asked from next to me.

"No. Now stop lying and trying to embarrass the poor guy. He's already bene kissed by me today and that's bad enough on its own."

"Bennett disagrees." Jordan piped in.

"I've got to admit it wasn't a bad kiss for my first one." He shrugged.

"Same for you."

"Wait....... WHAT??!?!!?" Jordan shouted. "He kissed back?!"

"Yeah. Jealous?" I smirked.

"N-no. Why would I be?" Jordan shrugged.

"Because you like her as well as I do and she's a beautiful woman." Declan shrugged, being blunter than usual.

"Let's all agree that we all like her." Bennett suggested.

"Yeah. I'm cool with that." Declan shrugged.

"Well, I'm sorry to say, but I like one of you." I started.

"Who?" Jordan and Declan looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Why do you think the real reason is why I kissed Bennett and not one of you two?"

"Because he's the calmest. You said so yourself." Declan responded.

I face palmed.

"No, it's because I like him." Then, I kissed him, taking him by surprise again.

"So, is Bennomi a thing?" Jordan asked, with a sad face on.

"Yeah, I guess." Me and Bennett shrugged.

Jordans face lit up. "Even though I didn't get Naomi I'm still happy one of my ships came true!" He started to sing and dance around the kitchen.

"Weird dude." I whispered to Bennett and he laughed, putting his arm around my shoulder lazily and kissing my cheek.

Jordan said something to Declan so he was now being chased by an angry Declan.

A/n at the end I thought of two parents watching their kids chasing eachother around their kitchen. Don't ask why. Anyways, c ya.

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