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Naomis' pov:

I sat on the edge of the bridge, tears streaming down my face. Memories of my life flashed before my eyes, slowing down at the ones of me and the boys.

The wind was in my hair, blowing it about. As if the sky sensed my sadness, the rain made its way down to the floor of the earth, leaving spots of liquid on the dirt.

"Well, this is it world. Look what you've brought me to do. You did this. You did this to me. Every time you knocked me down, I died a little and now, I'm almost dead. I died a little to survive, to help me save my previous time. But, now I'm at the end. The end of everything, unless someone comes and saves me, comes and heals me," I sigh, knowing that it's useless talking to the air and that no one is here to save me.

The rain got heavier, just like my tears. They both came down in sync, not stopping or slowing down, but speeding up.

"I guess this is goodbye, world. I hope I go to heaven, and everyone who made my life a living hell go downwards, and never come back up. I hope the boys join me in heaven when it's their time to come, and I hope you look after them for me. My boys. I hope they can get over my death, and stay happy. I hope Declan still plays his music the same, I hope Jordan paints and draws the same, I hope the love of my life keeps on cooking like he does. I hope, I hope, I hope. Please, world, let my wishes come true for once, if not I'll know that you hated me as much as everyone else does. Heck, you've already proved that," I sighed.

I placed my hands on the edge, ready to send myself tumbling down to the floor, to fly. "Goodbye, everyone," I sighed, about to push myself off of the edge.

"Don't say that. There is no goodbye, because you aren't leaving," the love of my life's voice came from behind me. Bennett sat on the edge next to me. "If you go, I go too."

"No, Bennett, get back on the bridge. Run, run as far as you can, because I'm leaving, and I don't want you to have to see me like that."

"I'm not going anywhere," Bennett said, grabbing my hand. "Unless your coming with me."

"I can't, I can't, I can't," I shook my head. "I don't have a place in this world anymore."

"Either do I," he smiled at me sadly, "so we'll make space, or make another world just for us."

"You don't understand," I shook my head.

"I've sat in that exact same spot you are, ready to go. But Jordan and Declan saved me. Now, I'm going to save you, just like they saved me. If I can't save you, I'll be coming with you."

"But that's not fair on you," I said.

"I only have three people in this life that I would die for. You, Jordan and Declan. I would be doing the same for them. If one of you died, a third of me would die."

"Same for us two," Declans voice rang out as Jordan and him sat down next to Bennett.

"If you go, Naomi, we all go," Jordan said. The other two nodded in agreement.

"I don't know what to say," I cried harder. "I want you all to get back on the bridge."

"Only if you get on first," Bennett said.

"Fine, only because you three are worth living for, and the only people worth living for," I stood up as the boys followed me.

We all hugged eachother as we cried in eachothers arms. "I'm glad you didn't go, Naomi, if not I would have died mentally," Bennett pulled me to the side.

"I'm glad I found a reason to live," I said back. Bennett hugged me as my tears cleared up.

"I can't believe I let the love of my life get this bad," Bennett muttered.

"What?!" I looked at him.

"You heard that?!" His eyes widened.

"Yes," I smiled. "At least the feeling is mutual," I pulled Bennett in and kissed him passionately in the rain.

I pulled away to see Jordan and Declan also kissing. "I love you, Naomi," Bennett's arms went around my waist with his head on my shoulder.

"I love you more, Bent," I smiled.

"Not possible."

"Except it is."

"I'm never going to win this, am I?" He asked, kissing my head.


A/n I think this is my third update today which is fun. Hope you listened to the song at the top as it came out today and is awesome!

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