40 p2

154 7 10

Naomis' pov:

"Jordan, do we seriously have to do this?" I asked said boy.

"Yes, Naomi, we've been over this! Bennett will surely need a cold shower once he sees what we've done to you," Jordan smiled.

"We?" I asked, unsure of what he meant.

"Me and Lynn. Declan shall be presenting us with entertainment."

Right on cue, Lynn walked in with bags of supplies. Declan followed and sat down at the piano. "Any song suggestions?" He asked, smiling at Jordan.

"Ooh, fire on fire by Sam Smith," Jordan smiled at his boyfriend who copied the gesture.

"Sure thing, babe," Lynn looked shocked.

"Are you two dating?!" She squealed. "My Jordie is all grown up!"

"Yeah, yeah," Declan rolled his eyes. "My Jordie will never grow up, and that's why I'll always love him."

Cue the oohs and aws.

"So it's not my handsome looks?" Jordan looked offended.

"And that," Declan went red.

"Same to you, Decca."

"You two lovebirds, as cute as it is, stop flirting because we need to make sure that Bennett needs a cold shower later," Lynn butted in.

"Oh yeah, sure!" Jordan smirked as Declan played the piano.


A very painful hour later, and I'm ready.

My hair is down in its natural waves, with a black top and black leggings. I had a leather jacket and purple eyeshadow and purple lipstick. I had ankle boots on to match the outfit.

The others lead me outside after giving me compliments. "Wait! I should wear contacts."

"Good idea!" Lynn grabbed my contact lenses, which I switched my glasses for.

I sat down on my bike, about to practice riding it. Before I could go anywhere, Bennett came back on his own bike.

He parked up and took his helmet off. "What's up g-" he stopped as he looked at me. "Naomi, you look gorgeous."

I blushed.

"The perfect emo couple!" Jordan and Lynn squealed as Declan kissed Jordans neck with his arms around the blondes waist.

"Thank you, Bennett. You look handsome as always."

"Uh, I'll be right back," Bennett said awkwardly, running inside quickly.

"He's gone for a cold shower," Declan laughed.

"It worked!" Lynn and Jordan high fived. Jordan pulled away from Declan and danced about with Lynn singing a song of victory.

"Jordan..." Declan whined, doing grabby hands at him.

"Sorry, Deccy," Jordan smiled, kissing Declan.

"Should we watch films all throughout the night?" I asked as we headed inside the base.

"Yas!" Jordan ran inside. Declan followed like a puppy with love in his eyes.

"Come on," Lynn linked her arm with mine, following the boys.

Jordan and Declan were snuggled up on the loveseat, looking at eachother with love in their eyes. "You two are adorable," Lynn gushed. "It's too cute for my heart!" She placed her hand on her heart.

They both blushed. Declan pulled Jordan closer to his body, nuzzling his neck.

"Can't get enough of me, Dec?" Jordan smirked.

"Who can get enough of you?" Declan smirked back.

"True, Dec, true. This is why I love you," Jordan smiled before kissing Declan passionately on the lips.

Me and Lynn sat down on the couch, scrolling through Netflix. "Let's watch a horror!" Lynn squealed again.

"You don't like horror, either do I," I reasoned.

"But we've got blankets and you've also got Bennett."

"Who isn't here."

"But please!"

"Fine!" I put Annabelle on, moving under the blankets.

As the film started, Bennett came down the stairs. His hair was wet and he had a towel around his hips and was rubbing his hair with another towel.

"Hey guys," he greeted, staring at me.

"Hey. Come hug your girlfriend 'cause it's a horror film!" Lynn told him.

"Ok," he shrugged. He headed towards me.

"Wait! You need to get dressed!" I blushed.

"You nervous?" He smirked. "I have a towel, don't worry. You won't see anything," he laughed at my face.

"Fine, only because in about to piss myself," I sighed.

"Language, Naomi!" Jordan scolded. "Bennett, you need to punish her!"

"No I don't. I'm not telling her off."

"Yes you do, in your own way," Jordan winked.

"Ok, I'm leaving," Lynn stood up and said goodbye, giving me a wink before she left.

"Oh great. I'm left with three hormonal teenagers," I sighed.

"I'm not hormonal, but you might be," Bennett winked as I flipped him off.

"Ok, we'll leave you two to it," Jordan dragged Declan upstairs, shooting us a wink.

Bennett sat down, pulling me into his lap, only leaving a towel between me and his..... Thing. Heat rushed up to my cheeks. "What's wrong Naomi?" Bennett smirked, enjoying my pain too much. "Are you feeling flustered?"

"N-no," I stuttered. Why did I stutter? Stupid Naomi!

"This doesn't affect you?" Bent smirked again.

"Nope," I said confidently. To stop myself from embarrassing myself more, I pulled him in and kissed him.

My hands roamed his chest as we made out on the couch.

After a while off all the sparks of electricity moving through me, I pulled away placing my forehead on his.

"Let's go to bed," Bennett smiled, carrying me up the stairs.

He sat me on the bed, passing me a big t-shirt and some wipes for my makeup. I changed and wiped my makeup off, walking into Bennett's room. I sat on the bed waiting for him.

He shut the door and dropped the towel. "My eyes! My innocent, virgin eyes!" I covered my eyes, catching his eye roll.

"You can't deny that you like this view," he said cockily.

"Fuck off!" Bennett climbed into the bed beside me. He pulled me to his chest.

"Goodnight, gorgeous," he whispered into my hair as I started to fade into darkness.

"Goodnight handsome."

"What are you doing to me, Naomi?" He moved my hair from my face and that's the last thing I remember.

A/n ik it's short, but I got my nails done so it's rlly hard to type let alone write chapters etc.

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