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Bennetts pov:

I took a swig out of my beer as I was getting suffocated by my thoughts.

Declan and Jordan were on a date and Naomi was with her new boyfriend, Oliver.

So, that leaves me alone as the only single one. If I tried I could get a girlfriend but I want to live a little. Plus, the girl I want is taken, so I'm waiting for him to knock her down. When he does knock her down, I'll be there to save her.

Then, I'll repeat the cycle with her boyfriend that will be after Oliver. I'll be waiting and catching her, hoping she can see that the one she belongs with is standing right in front of her.

I heard laughter as the door opened. Jordan and Declan walked in, looking at me. "Hey, Bent. You seem pretty lonely," Jordans forehead creased. "And your drinking. That's not a good sign."

"A drink won't hurt me," I waved my hand, dismissing the conversation.

"A drink?! There are about 10 bottles there!" Declan added.

"Maybe I got carried away," I shrugged. "But I'm not a lightweight like Jordan. The worst I'll get is a headache."

"And a telling off from Naomi," Jordan added.

"Why would she care? She's got Oliver now," I shrugged, venom touching my tongue as his name rolled out of my mouth.

"Oh, I know what's up," Jordan smirked. "Your jealous, aren't you?"

"Depends," I answered.

"Benny has a crush! Benny has a crush on Naomi!" Declan shouted out.

I was too drunk to do anything to him so I just flipped him off. "Whatever you say," I rolled my eyes.

"We'll leave you too it, Bent," Jordan dragged Declan away.

"Don't fuck in my room!" I shouted after them, getting comfortable on the couch. I layed down and used my hand as a pillow.

"Bennett?" A voice called out.

"Huh?" I asked, opening my eyes to see a teary eyed Naomi. "What's wrong?" I sat up immediately, not even caring about the pain shooting through my head from the alcohol I just drank.

"Oliver, h-he went to slap me saying that I shouldn't mess with Raymond," tears streamed down her pale face.

"I'll deal with it once I'm not drunk," I said to her. I lay back down on the couch and patted the side next to me.

Naomi layed down as I put my arms around her fragile body. I nuzzled her neck with my head. "Bennett?"


"Thank you," she whispered.

"I haven't done anything yet," I told her.

"Yes, you have. You've made me realise what it's like to have a friend."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere, even if you want rid off me."

"I don't want you to go," she whispered.

"I won't be leaving your side for the rest of my life," I muttered, falling asleep.

"Thank you for making me fall in love, Bennett," is the only thing I heard before falling into a deep slumber.


I woke up to somebody tracing my features with their soft fingers. I opened my eyes to see Naomi's gorgeous face. I could wake up like that everyday.

"Morning," she said to me in her silky voice.

"Morning, gorgeous," she blushed at that.

"Is it weird for me to say that I don't want to move?" She asked me innocently.

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