14 P3 still Bennetts pov

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I looked at our work in the living room. Let's just say it looked like a huge bed. I nodded my head in approval. "Not bad." I said.

"Yeah, we know! It's the best. Especially without the gorilla here to mess it all up." Naomi said.

Jordan just smirked. I rolled my eyes at his behaviour. I don't see how he finds things like that funny. Well, to be honest, I don't find many things funny because I haven't had much to laugh about.

Well, not since she had died. My world, the person to keep the family together. I can't believe she died like that though. I miss my mum terribly, we all do. Well, I don't think dad does because he's just obsessed with the company and that's it.

"Bennett? Are you alright? You seem out of it." Naomi asked.

"I think so. Where's Jordan?"

"Getting snacks."

"Can you tell him I'm not going to watch the film with you guys please?"

"Bennett. What's up? You always watch films with us. It won't be the same without you either."

"My mum." I felt a tear slip out of my eye. I pushed past Naomi and ran upstairs to my room. I slammed my bedroom door shut and collapsed onto my bed. I sat crossed legged and hugged my pillow to my chest.

The tears just kept falling, leaving me with red and puffy eyes and cheeks. I muffled my cries by pushing my face into my pillow. I didn't want the others to hear my crying so I put my music on as loud as possible.

A couple of minutes later of me hugging my pillow and rocking there was a knock on the door. I ignored it. "Bennett? It's Naomi. If you want to talk I'm here. If you want to be comforted then I'm here. I don't mind if we talk about it or not. I just want to help."

I stood up slowly and trudged over to the door. I was holding my pillow against me with one arm and opened the door with the other. Naomi smiled at me. I managed a slight smile back. She shut the door and sat opposite me on my bed, copying my position. "Are you alright?"

I shook my head. "Oh, come here, Bennett. I hate seeing you like this." She put an arm round me. "Where's my normal Bennett? The cool as a cucumber guy?" She asked hugging me tightly and rocking with me. I put my head on her shoulder as silent tears fell.

She started to stroke my hair. "Shh. It will be alright. I know you miss her and it's hard to get over her death, but she wouldn't have wanted this, would she?" I shook my head in reply and wiped my tears away.

We just sat with my head on her shoulder, rocking for a couple more minutes. "Thank you, Naomi. It was needed." I muttered.

"Anytime, Bennett. We all have our rough patches." She slowly let go off me.

We looked at eachother awkwardly. I wiped my cheeks, despite the lack of tears. "Bennett, I love you." Naomi blurted out of the blue. I could see her mentally facepalming.

"I can see you mentally face-palming. And I love you too, Naomi."

"You do?" Her face lit up. I smiled at her.

"Nah, I'm just messing about." I joked with sarcasm in my voice. She hit my shoulder. Then she learnt over and kissed my cheek. "Is that it? Tease." I stuck my tongue out. She stuck here out and I smashed our lips together, taking control straight away.

We pulled apart after a couple of seconds. Then we stood up and walked out like nothing happened to watch a bunch of horror movies.

A/n so I've been away that is why I haven't been updating. I wrote most of this before I left and I finished it tonight. So if the ends bad it's cause I'm super tired and about to die. Anyways, I should be writing more soon.

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