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Naomi pov:

I sat in my room in the Caribbean. Me and Bennett were in one shack, with Jordan and Declan in the one next to ours. I had locked the door of mine and Bennetts, Jordan and Declan outside and I didn't let Bennett out.

"Why can he see you in a bikini and not us?"

"Because he doesn't tease or anything. He just doesn't really care, because he doesn't have emotions."

"I do have emotions but just hide them well." He said with a poker face.

Bennett was wearing a pair of black trunks and his top half bare. I was sat in a red bikini. The top half had a strip at the back and a bit to put round my neck. The bottom is what you would expect from a bikini. Covered you up in the you know what but showed too much of my legs.

The good thing with Bennett just sitting there is that he wasn't looking and making snarky remarks. He wasn't fazed either. And he didn't care about me seeing him like this either.

Bennett looked at me in the eyes and nodded. I nodded back to say I was alright.

"How about you hide in the loo and I will open the door. They will come in and you sneak out and meet me by the ice cream place in five minutes." He whispered to me.

I nodded in reply and walked into the loo. I heard the door open and voices. I climbed out of the window and pegged it to the ice cream place. I had grabbed an open dress type thing to put on and crossed my arms, making the dress stay together so no one could see me.

True to his word, Bennett entered the shop. He looked at me with his poker face. "You could have done that in the first place."

"I know. I didn't think of it until last minute."

"Anyways, now your covered let's go. The others are probably hunting us down this minute."

"We could stay and keep an eye on where they are. Just turn your trace ace off." I said waving my phone about.


"I know."

We sat and ate ice cream for a while. They didn't do Neapolitan so I had chocolate instead. Bennett gave me a rare smile when I chose it.


I saw Jordan and Declan walk past. They completely missed us luckily. "Bennett. We. Have. To. Go. Now." I grabbed his arm and ran out the back.

We ran through the back door and out onto the road. We started to walk along the very edge of the road, trying not to get hit by a car. We ran around to the beach and stood in front of where we are staying. No Jordan or Declan in sight. We placed out things down onto the sand so people knew we were sitting there. Bennett took of my Komodo thing. (I don't know what it's called).

I went to put it back on but stopped when he grabbed my arm. He shook his head. "You are beautiful. So don't hide away." I blushed.

Bennett picked me up bridal style and walked towards the waters edge. He chucked me in, while I screamed. Then I saw Jordan. "Bennett!! Watch out!" I shouted but it was too late.

Bennett Frazier was laying on top of me in the ocean. I repeat, Bennett Frazier was laying on top of me in the ocean.

"Uh hi Bennett. I did try to warn you."

"Hi. Yeah, I know." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Anyways, can you get off me please? Your like double the size of me and I can't breathe."

"Oh, yeah sorry."

Then Declan was pushed onto us. Then Jordan jumped in.

"I can't breathe." I gasped.

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