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I pulled my hood up to cover my face. The rain was pouring, thunder was rolling in the background. I saw flashes of lightning but carried on walking regardless. I don't even know where I'm going, but I'm just going to walk and walk, as far away from the place my life was set.

I plugged my earphones in, putting the wire down my jumper. My phone was in my pocket. Set It Off blasted in my ears, blocking out the cruel, cruel world.

I hummed along with tears streaming down my face. Luckily it is raining to blend in with the waterfalls falling down my face and not many people are out to notice. I carried on along the path, one foot before the other. My hands are in the huge pocket of my jumper, with the words: fuck life.

It's one of Bennett's, I stole it before I left the base. Bennett wasn't there, only Declan and Jordan. They think I'm at home. They didn't even offer to walk me home or anything.

I could have been gone by now, all my bones broken, sprawled against the ground. I'm not even sure if that's what I want to do, to end it all.

There's only three people who haven't given up on me, well, make that one. Declan and Jordan are just to wrapped up in playing video games and eating to care.

Bennett, he's the only one that does care. Whenever I'm around him, I feel his eyes watch me as I leave the room. He shows concern over the stupidest little things. He checks on me before I sleep, when I wake up, any spare second he has.

He lends me a shoulder to cry on, even if it's as stupid as a character I like in a book dying. He's always been there, and hopefully always will be.

I shrunk down into his over-sized jumper, taking in its smell. I can smell Bennett, and smile.

The best musketeer, my favourite musketeer, the leader of the three musketeers. His dashing features planted themselves in my mind.

From his eyes to his piercings to his black raven hair, to his chiseled body to his signature poker face. Everything about him just perfect.

His intelligence, kindness, quietness. His silence when it's needed, his words placed in the right place of the script.

I was brought out of my thoughts as my phone went. It was Declan. I answered it. "Where are you, Naomi?"

"Why do you care?" I snapped.


"No. You've been wrapped up in video games and food and the hottest girls to even acknowledge my existence. There's only one musketeer who actually cares, and it's not you!" I screamed, ending the call.

My phone rang again. I checked to see if it was the guy who actually cares. It was Jordan, sadly.

I answered it. "Naomi, please, where are you? We're all worried sick."

"You don't care! Get rid off the fake act!" I shouted through the rain.

"What do you mean?" He asked, confusion lacing his voice. Fake. He's a fake. Just like Declan.

"Your just like Declan! To wrapped up in girls prettier and smarter than me, video games and food! They come before me in your list! How are you even my friend?!"

"We all care about you! How comes you only say I'm like Declan, leaving Bennett out? That's just unfair, Naomi!" Jordan asked, getting louder towards the end of his speech.

"Because Bennett actually cares! He shows me concern, even at the littlest things. He gives me attention in his every spare second. He doesn't just play video games! He actually checks to see if I'm alright!" I screamed, before muttering, "unlike some."

"Your just being unfair, Naomi. Come back when your actually going to be fair."

Before he could end the call, I spoke up. "How is it unfair? How is saying my feelings unfair? I have a voice, Jordan, and I have rights to use it. It's unfair for you to see straight through your best friends hurt, and not caring one bit to go back and double check." And with that, I ended the call.

Thoughts rushed through my head. I sat down under a tree, not caring if my black leggings got muddy. I pulled the hood off of my head, revealing my red, puffy face and my messy hair.

I don't know what's more painful; two of your best friends not caring about you or a beating from Raymond and his goons.

I got my phone out, seeing a bunch of messages. I saw Jordans and Declans names. I smiled as my heart and stomach flipped as I saw Bennett's name.

Bent; Naomi, where are you? We're all worried sick.

Me: I'm under the tree at the edge of town. The one Declan and Jordan went to with their flings they had two weeks ago.

Bent: is it alright if I pick you up?

Me: I don't care, as long as Declan and Jordan won't be with you

Bent: why? Did something happen whilst I was out?

Me: yeah, kinda. I'll tell you when you get here.

Bent: ok, I'm on my way now.

I smiled. See, he actually cares, unlike two morons. Bentley probably cares about me more than them two. Now that's saying a lot.

My music was still blasting in my ears. I started to hum along to Cody's voice. I was brought out of my solo when I heard a car door slam shut and footsteps. I saw Bennett run up to me.

I stood up and he engulfed me into a hug. "omg, your safe!"

"What do you mean? I texted you like 10 minutes ago."

"Jordan and Declan said that you went... That you went to end... It all." I saw the hurt and anger in Bennett's eyes. "They shouldn't have said that! You don't joke about things like that, especially about your best friend."

I scoffed. "I'm more like shit to them."

Bennett gave me a confused look. "Let's get you warmed up in the car before you explain. You will probably be really ill."

He smiled at me and grabbed my hand. Sparks of electricity ran up my arm. Yeah, it's just because I'm cold and he's warm. I don't like him or anything, right?

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