13 p1

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Jordans pov:

How could he?! After all this time. He was the one to keep to the article, keeping me and Declan in sinc. I know he liked her but I'm surprised he would actually do this to us! How fucking dare he?!

I know I made the contract and added the article but I just didn't realize I would fall so hard for her. For the beautiful girl. The girl that Bennett is after. Once he has claimed something, you don't mess with him until he has it.

And its fucking annoying.

He tore my heart up to shreds when I saw them together. Laughing and singing and talking.

It's tore Declan into tiny little pieces. The other night I heard banging coming from his room. I slightly opened the door and saw him punching the wall with bloody hands, things everywhere. I knew he was messy, but not this messy. He had tears silently streaming down his face. He turned around, head in hands and slid down the wall.

He sat there silently sobbing.

It's so fucked up. I haven't seen Declan like this before, I've never been this bad before. But of course, he had to claim her. Like every other girl we've met. Why doesn't he let us have at least one? I never see Naomi now. She's always with Bennett, and Bennett with her.

I would have preferred her to be with Bentley other than Bennett. Which is saying something.

He takes every girl, rubbing it in our faces. This is the last time. The last time I will take his fucking shit. Why does he do this? What pleasure does he get in breaking me and Declan and taking all the girls?

Now I never see Naomi. Or Bennett. I hardly ever see Declan due to him in his room and me in mine. We haven't been to school in ages.

I was cut out of my thoughts and my drawing of death. Bennetts death. I unplugged one of my earphones. "Yeah, who is it?"

"Declan." There was a grunt.

"What do you want?" I spat as he opened the door.

"To not be lonely and actually cry over Naomi with someone."


He came in and sat on my messy bed. We just sat in silence for ages. "Why does he have to do this? Every fucking time he takes the girls away from us, tearing us to pieces." I suddenly said.

"I know. Doesn't he care about our feelings? Oh wait, no he doesn't. We've only been there for him for what? The past three years and this is how he treats us."

"Remember, he doesn't have feelings. That's why he doesn't care about ours, BECAUSE HE DOESNT FUCKING KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE!" I shouted. "If he let us have the girls, he would know how it felt to be torn to pieces, to see another come along and torn to pieces again and again and again. All because of one person. One of his best friend's."

Declan just nodded. "I want to see Naomi. I miss her so much." Tears were streaming down his face.

"I miss her too. But he will never change. He's just going to drag her away, and when she leaves, he will come running back to us. Repeat." I said, my anger rising and blood boiling. "I want him fucking gone. Me, you and Naomi will get along just fine. We can be the Three Musketeers. The best gang out there."

Declan nodded. He got out his phone and started to ring someone. "Hey, Naomi. Me and Jordan need to speak to you. Come to the warehouse I bought you too at Christmas. Don't tell Bennett where your going and turn your trace ace off."

Then Declan ended the call.

"So. All we need to do now is tell her how much of a dick Bennett actually is, and then we are done."

I had a message come through my phone. Where is Naomi going, Jordan. Don't lie to me.


"Bennett just texted me. He asked where Naomi is going and to not lie to him. Eejit. I lie to him all the time. Like when I said I'm happy for him." I told Declan.

"Same. I lie to him all the fucking time like when he lies to me. Cunt."

"Who's a cunt?" Naomi asked.

"Your boyfriend. I'm glad you could make it, Naomi. We've missed you loads." Declan said.

I looked at Naomi's skin. "Naomi, are they bruises? Has he let people hurt you?!" I shouted.

She flinched. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright. You just care, that's all. Not like some people." She mumbled the last part. We still heard it.

"What do you mean by not like some people." Declan asked.

"One word: Bennett."

"I would joke about and say that three words but now's not the time." I said. She smiled, making me smile. "Anyways, what's the girl-stealing cunt done now?"

"The bruising. I will let you guess." Naomi said, sadly.

"Has he been...? Has he been hurting you?!" I asked her, concern lacing in my voice.

"Yes." She said quietly. Declan was already gone. She had a look of worry on her face. Change the subject, Jordan. Your good at doing that.

"Wanna help me spray paint some of the walls? I'm gonna need help on colours." She smiled.

"I would love too."

I chucked her a bag of cans of spray paint. "Do whatever you want."

"I'll be back." She walked off I to my room. She came back out. She grabbed a pair of scissors and started to cut a picture. The piece she cut off fell to the floor. She had cut Bennett out of the picture.

She started to outline her artwork and started to get to work. I wonder if she is doing the picture and what picture it is.

I started to do mine, Declan and Naomi's eyes in line with eachother, the names next to them. This was going to be fun without Bennett.

A/n ok so I'm always really tempted to write for u guys cause I don't wanna leave u waiting but I have so much revision to do that I cba with so I might just leave it even though it's to choose where I will be in next year. Part two coming soon, but probs not tonight.

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