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Roses pov:

Ugh, fuck this. Fuck you. Fuck the world.

I honestly can't be asked anymore.

What can I do now? Everyone has left me. It's fucking annoying. I'm left alone. Again.

No one's around for long before they just disappear into thin air, as if they're water evaporating in the heat. It's as if I'm a fire and they're the innocent towns people, running for miles when they see me coming.

I walked into my school, heading straight for first lesson. But, of course with my luck, I walked into somebody.

A pair of arms automatically went around my shoulders, balancing me. I looked up and smiled weakly as I saw one of the most popular boys in school. "I-i'm so sorry," he mumbled, blushing and pulling his arms away from me. "It's just... Reflexes."

"It's okay. Thanks," I smiled at him, but it was kind of fake. But, whenever I saw him, a smile always made its way onto my face. I just couldn't help it. Having a crush can be annoying at times. "I'll be off now."

"Oh, okay, Rose," he gave me a half smile, the only indication he's given me for me to believe that he has emotions.

"Wait... You know my name?" Inside I was literally screaming due to my fangirly-ness. If that's a thing, of course.

"Y-yeah," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, a blush creeping up his handsome face.

Oh my fucking god he's so adorable!

How can someone be so adorable and sexy at the same time? Well, ask Mr Bennett Frazier!

"Cool," I put my fist out to him, to which he awkwardly connected his with mine. Me on the inside, literally.

I'm so lame, honestly! Could I be worse? A fist bump?! Seriously, Rose? What the actual fuck is wrong with me?!

"Bennett! Save me from these lunatics, please! I'm about to kill them both!" A voice growled out. We both turned to see Naomi Lorraine stomping towards us, about to kill Jordan Wallace and Declan Lynch, the two guys in a heated argument.

"Can't I have a conversation with someone else without them three intruding?" He muttered to himself. He added something else that I think was about me but I couldn't quite catch it.

"I guess I should leave you to it, then, huh?" I asked Bennett, looking at him. His blue eyes stared back at me, emotions swirling about him. I could hear the cogs in his head turning to figure out what he would say next.

"Maybe we can hang at break or something?" He asked.

"Sure. We have roughly the same lessons, I think, so I'll just wait for you afterwards," I grinned at him before walking off.

I heard the other three mumbling some things about me as I walked off, but I brushed it off. So what if Bennett wants to talk to someone else? He doesn't have to just be with them 24/7.


I went and sat down in second period. I was in the chair in the back corner next to the window. I smiled to myself as I thought about break. For once, I was actually excited for break.

Someone pulled out the chair next to me, to which I didn't take any notice of them. No one usually sits there, though. "Hey, Rose," a familiar voice said.

I turned and couldn't help but smile as I saw who was there. "Hey, Bennett. How comes you're sat here?"

"The boys won't stop arguing and Naomi keep complaining about them," he rolled his eyes. "And I enjoyed talking to you this morning, so I thought that I'd come sit with you and maybe get to know you more."

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