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Naomis pov:

I walked into school, heading straight for my first class as the bell was about to go any second. I had successfully avoided Raymond and his goons, much to my happiness. I rushed to my lesson, not wanting to run into him as that would be my luck.

Luckily, he's not in my first lesson, which is good. My first lesson is... History. Yay. Fun. Let's spend the next hour researching things that I don't want to know about as an individual. I get why some people like to learn about the history of this country or the world or whatever, but I don't see a point in it.

I sighed in relief as I walked through the door of the classroom, to which only two people were in the class, one being the teacher and the other being a student... A new student at that.

His black hair covered most of his handsome face, to which an icy blue glare shone from beyond. Piercings were covering his ear, adding to his handsomeness. He was pulling off a casual outfit of jeans and a MCR hoodie.

I've got to admit, for someone who doesn't take much interest in other people when it comes to things like appearance and my romantic feelings towards them, this guy was (and still is) hot. I think I've got a crush.

Then I realized something. He was sat in the seat right next to mine. I sighed, trying to gather my thoughts, as I walked over and sat down. "Hey," I smiled at the boy who just gave me a blank look. "I'm Naomi."

"I'm Bennett," he replied.

"Sorry if you think that I just chose this seat out of every other seat, but it's where I have to sit, funny enough," I laughed awkwardly. I've messed this up.

"I thought that. I don't think someone would just approach someone like me, to be honest," he grumbled.

I take that something has happened to him that includes other people. Could there be a fellow student that's had to go through bullying before?

"Why'd you say that?"

"No reason," he shrugged. I took in his body language, then, to try and find any clues. His arms were crossed and he was hunched over the desk, looking at the graffiti that was scattered on it. I take it he's not one for talking.

"So," I started after a while of painful silence. "Where are you from?"

"A couple towns over," he replied. "My dad moved over here for his company. He said that he needs to get more 'popularity' but I think everyone knows Mr Frazier."

"You're Mr Frazier's son?" I asked, gob smacked. "Wh- how!? You're so different!"

"I question that at times as well," he sighed.

"I do get why he wants you to take over the company now that I've met you, though," I smiled at him, trying to cover up my awkwardness. Fuck. I did not just say that.

"What do you mean?" He looked up at me with a slight smirk on his face, the only source of emotion he's shown me so far.

"Well, um, you seem like a decent guy and you're nice and all," I mumbled, blushing like mad. "Ugh, I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Join the club," he smiled weakly at me before his face dropped. "Shit! I didn't mean it like that! You're not- well, I-" he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "What I meant was that I don't know what's wrong with me at times."

I started to laugh at his flustered state, to which he just smiled at me. "I thought I'd be the one to do something like that, not you," I grinned at him.

"Well, you do learn something everyday," he pointed out.

"True," I smiled at him.

The bell rang, signalling for people to get into class. People stared at Bennett as they came in, and some people (mainly girls) gave me glares as they came in, noticing that me and him seemed to be getting on well together.

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