10 p4

250 11 9

A/n quick author's note before I write this. Thanks lunala for voting for this book.

Bennetts pov:

I woke up with my arm around Naomi and her face in my neck. I looked up to see Declan sprawled out on the sofa, me and Naomi on the floor.

Naomi had one of her hands on my head, she must have fallen asleep playing with my hair.

I looked back down at Naomi and kissed her nose. She smiled in her sleep. I put my head back down and just layed there. Then suddenly, I felt Naomi's hand move. It went to my stomach. It moved under my shirt then she started to tickle me. I started to laugh. "Stop it! Stop it!"


"Please! Have mercy on me!" I screamed.

"No. This is what you get for all them times you tickled me and for booping and kissing my nose yesterday when I was singing."

"I'm sorry! It won't happen again! Please!"

"Fine."  She stopped then stood up. She started to run. She knew I was going to chase her. I ran after her. This is now my revenge for her revenge when I booped her nose. That sounds so weird when I say it, but still. It's true.

I ran upstairs after her. I heard a door slam but I don't know which one. She wouldn't go in Jordans room and I don't think she would go in Declans. Probably hers.

I walked into her room. I looked around and nothing had moved. I walked out and ran downstairs. Where could she be? Oh!! My room!

I ran upstairs and walked in. She wasn't anywhere. Then I though. The window to the roof. I went back to her room and out the window. Then, there she was. Behind me locking the window. "Naomi! Let me in!"

"How about.... No?"

"Not an option. I will get rid of your books."

"No you won't."

"Are you sure about that?"

"You love me too much."

"So what? I can still do it."

"Fine. You can stay out there."

"No! Please! It's cold."


She opened the window and I climbed back in. I wrapped my arm round her waist and pulled her against my body. "Hello beautiful." I whispered into her ear.

"Hey strange human that isn't even human." I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna go and pour water on Declan?"

"Hell yeah."

We ran downstairs and grabbed some ice water. I tipped it onto Declan. He woke up screaming. "AHH! Seriously? That's Jordans thing."

"It's ours now." Naomi said.

"No, I can't have another Jordan. Especially not two." Declan whined.

"I'm not like Jordan. I'm much sexier and more mature." I said.

"Your not sexy, Bennett." Declan replied.

"If I'm not sexy, then you must be uglier than a fish. If I am sexy you are the equivalent to a fish."


"Ooh! Declan knows a big word! Actually it's not big, but still." Naomi chipped in.

"You two are mean to me." Declan pouted.

"We know." We said together.

My phone went off. "Uh, guys. We need to go. Grab your guns and armor. Naomi your going to have to use Jordans for now. We need to get to the Lost Boys."


I walked in the base to see Jordan. "Hey guys. So, meet the new leader of the Lost Boys. I'm the best leader they have had yet."

A/n ok so this is the end of this one shot cause idk what to do for it and sorry I didn't update earlier and it's bad quality. Been a long day and I went out for a meal for my parents 2nd yr anniversary.

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