10 p1

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A/n so this one is going to start with a break up with Declan. So they're might be sides, there might not. But anyways, enjoy.

Naomis pov:

I threw a vase at the wall. "What the fuck was you thinking? To just kiss a girl in front of me?!"

"I was trying to get your attention-"

"So you do it by kissing another girl? You could have just been like, 'Naomi, we need to talk.' or something simple like that. Oh wait, simple is too hard for your pea of a brain."

"I was jealous, OK!? You hang out with the others a lot more now."

"That's because they complain I'm with you too much. Yes, your my boyfriend, but they are also my best friends." Tears of anger were now running down my face. "It's over, Declan! Now leave me the fuck alone before I come and do something I regret."

He nodded and walked out of my room in the base. I slid down my door and cried. I looked at the window. I walked on to the fire escape and walked up to the roof. I had bought my phone with me.

I turned my music on to calm me down. It only reminded me of Declans love for music, the songs he sung for me, the songs we sung together, the fun music bought to us. I screamed and pulled at my hair. Why? After all this time and he cheats on me because he is jealous!? To get my fucking attention!? What does he think I'm going to do?! Go and fuck Bennett or make out with Jordan? I don't cheat.

I paused my music and collapsed onto the roof and cried. Soon the rain started to pour, just like my tears. I could hear the rumble of angry thunder in the background and could see lightening. Just like my mood right now.

I sat on the roof, pulling at my hair. I was drenched to the skin and I stung all over from the impact of it. It didn't affect me though. My phone was in my pocket so it shouldn't get destroyed. I sat there for hours, drenched to the skin, screaming my lungs out, pulling at my soaked hair.

"Naomi! What happened?! Why are you up here?! Where's Declan?" Jordan asked.

"Ask her questions once we've warmed her up, Jordan. Can't you see she is in a state!?" I felt a warm body against mine as I was picked up. "Let's get her inside. I bet she will have a horrible cold."

I leaned against Bennetts body and cried against his shoulder. I wrapped my arms around his neck, wanting to feel safe. Bennett placed me down on my bed. "Jordan, go to the shop and get me blankets, pillows, onesies for all of us, don't get one for Declan, hot chocolate, cream, marshmallows. Anything warm and to keep Naomi happy. Here's my credit card."

Jordan ran off. "You might want to get changed just until Jordan gets back. He might be a while."

"Can I have one of your hoodies or something? Please. It's warmer than my clothes."

"I haven't got any spare hoodies but you can have this one. Give me a second." He took of his hoodie to show his abs. He passed it to me. "Now get changed. I will just be in my room getting another shirt." I just nodded.

"Thank you, Bennett. It means a lot." He just smiled and walked out. I peeked my clothes of off me and got changed. I put on some tracksuit bottoms and Bennetts hoodie. It smelled like him. Mint and chocolate. I felt safe with it on. There was a knock on my door.

"It's Bennett. Are you changed?"

"Yes. Come in. And thanks for knocking. Declan usually doesn't and comes in. He says 'i will see it anyways.'"

"Don't think of him right now. I will speak to him later, if you tell me what he has done."

"Well. I caught him kissing Hannah. He said that he was trying to get my attention because he is jealous of me hanging out with you guys. I kinda through a vase at him and it smashed."

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