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This is an idea from noblexnerd

Bennetts pov:

I was really starting to lose my cool with Jeclan. They're so fucking annoying today! Bennomi this, Bennomi that.

I know that I like Naomi (understatement), but that doesn't mean they can say all of these things about me. It's fucking annoying and I'm about to bitch slap the both of them.

"Aw, Bennomi is so cute!" Jordan gushed.

"Fuck. Off. Jordan," Naomi snapped. "You know not to annoy me at this time and you're doing the exact opposite of what I asked."

Her head was on the table as she clutched her stomach. I'm so glad I'm not a girl.

"Maybe they're going to fuck later, Jordan," Declan nudged the blonde with his elbow.

"Yeah. Maybe they're going to do it in the shower," Jordan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Instead of lashing out at Jordan, I stood and walked out of the classroom to take a breather. I was seriously about to bury that guy alive. The teacher didn't even bother to shout after me or anything. I wouldn't be missed. Well, the girls who are obsessed with me and probably have shrines for me might but that's it.

I ended up in one of the empty classrooms, to which I sat on one of the desks and looked out of the window at the (surprisingly) beautiful view. No, no one stuck a picture of Naomi on the glass. Honestly, I'd prefer that to anything else, though.

She's beautiful. She's anything I could ever ask for, but I'll never get her. Section 15, article 5. She's so gorgeous and smart and amazing. How I wish to hold her in my arms and sing her to sleep- even though I have a horrible, and I mean horrible, singing voice. People might think that's more of Declan's forte, but I'd do anything for her.

I was too deep in my thoughts to hear the door open and close, and footsteps approaching me. Someone came and sat down on the table next to me, grunting in pain as if the effort was excruciating.

"Bennett? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You've got a lot more going on right now," I answered Naomi.

"This is noth-" she groaned. "Nothing."

"It doesn't sound like nothing. Come on, let's get you back to the base. I'll look after you for a bit," I stood up and gave her my arm so she could come with me. But, she collapsed into my arms from the pain. "Okay, maybe not. Are you alright if I carry you?"

She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut. Naomi gritted her teeth, breathing heavily through the pain. "Stomach cramps are the worst," she mumbled as I picked her up, carrying her through the school.

Once at the base, I layed her on her bed and gave her different things that she wanted, including one of my favourite hoodies. It says a lot that I'd give up one of my favourite hoodies for her.

"Do you need anything else?" I asked quietly, concerned for my beautiful Naomi. Shit, forget I said that.

"No, no. I'm okay, now, I think. Thanks."

"It's no problem. Do you want me to leave?"

"Can you lay down with me, please?"

"Of course," I smiled at her, climbing into the bed next to her after kicking off my shoes. She clutched hold of me, soon falling asleep. I kissed the top of her head. "I love you, Naomi," I mumbled into her hair. I saw a faint smile on her lips, meaning she probably heard.

Oh well. Too late now.

Soon, I joined the beautiful angel in a deep slumber.

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