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Bennetts pov:

"Fuck off, Jordan!" Declan shouted at said musketeer.

"No. I'm doing this for your own good." Jordan was trying to get Declan to do some art, to help him relax, but Declan was against the idea.

"I've got a wall for a reason! Plus, I have my signature line so I can beat people up in the car park after school."

"How many people actually show up to that?" Jordan raised an eyebrow.


"See? This will help. Just trust me on this, Declan."

"Whenever I trust you everything goes tits up." Declan growled. "I have music to help me, and you use art. Bennett cooks, and Naomi reads."

"Still. Come on, just try it this once."

"As long as you let me try and teach you how to play an instrument."


I rolled my eyes at the other two and stood up. "I'm going out. See you later."

"Where are you going, Bent?" Declan asked.

"To be honest I don't really know." I shrugged.

"Grab me a milkshake, Bent! Remember, vanilla." Jordan asked.

"Sure. Dec, want one?"


I walked out of the door grabbing my keys. I headed out into one of my many cars.

I drove to the milkshake store to take back to the others. I walked into the store after parking my car go find Naomi and Lynn. "Bennett! What are you doing here?" Naomi asked.

"The others wanted milkshakes because I was going out."

"Where are you going?"

"Don't know. Jordan is just forcing Declan to do art and they made a deal that if Declan does, then Jordan has to learn an instrument. Well, attempt to."

"Oh, god. Do you want to just ditch their milkshakes and hang with us two?" Lynn asked.

"Sure. If that's alright."

"Course it is." Naomi got me a chair to sit on. I ordered myself a chocolate milkshake and sat with the girls. "Brennan should be coming, but she's going to be a bit late because of your family."

"I'm cool with that. Anyway, were you guys just sitting here?"

"We were thinking of visiting that abandoned place down the road." Lynn shrugged.

"I've always wanted to do something like that, but I've never got round to it." I shrugged.

"I'm just thinking what if we get caught?" Naomi asked.

"I have money. I can bail us out." I offered.

"Bennett, your the absolute best. Let's wait for your sister and go!"


I parked up a street away from the abandoned mental asylum. "We might want to wait until it's dark. How good are you guys at running?" I asked the girls.

"Well, I've run after a bus every morning for school and away from bullies for the past 11 years so.."

"I know about you, Naomi."

"I'm pretty decent at running. It's called running from paparazzi." Brennan said.


"Not too bad, but it really depends. I have a lot of energy so I should be good."

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