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Bennetts pov:

I spun the woman around the hall. She looked as if she was about to faint at our proximity, but I hated it. I spun her around, letting go off her hand which Bentley caught gracefully.

He winked at me as he danced with her. I rolled my eyes which got some gasps from the people staring at me but I just shrugged it off.

I headed towards the others who had just arrived. "Thank God you guys are here. I can't stand to dance with another stuck up bitch," I smiled at them.

Declan and Jordan were wearing the same three piece suit as me. I looked at Naomi to see she had an off the shoulder, tight black dress that cake to her knees. Her makeup was natural with her hair in her natural waves. She had black flats on to finish the outfit.

"You guys look amazing," I said as I tried to take my eyes and mind off Naomi.

"Thank you," Naomi smiled at me. I realized that she had contacts in, not her usual glasses.

"You know where we'll be," Jordan smiled and winked as he dragged Declan along to the food area.

"May I have this dance?" I held my hand out and bowed a bit.

She have me her hand, laughing. "Of course, Mr Frazier," I brought her hand to my lips and kissed it, making her laugh harder. "Such a gentleman."

"Thank you, Miss Lorraine," I smiled, taking her onto the dance floor. Everyone stared at us but I shrugged it off, in my own little world.

"I can't dance," Naomi whispered.

"Follow my lead, and if that doesn't work we'll move to plan B," I smiled again.

Surprisingly, an upbeat song came on. Naomi followed my moves as we moved together. We danced to a few songs until a slow one came on.

The spotlight landed on us two. I lifted Naomi onto my feet and waltzed about with her as everyone stood and watched us, either in awe or disgust.

Jordan and Declan smirked and high fived, cheering us on. People looked around at them before some joined in on cheering us on. I spun Naomi around and around, before she fell, but I caught her, making it look like I dipped her. The music stopped and everyone clapped.

I lifted her up with a huge smile on my face. "Thanks for catching me," she smiled, "and quite gracefully at that."

"I didn't want you to make out with the floor," we laughed.

"Ooh, there's the love birds," Jordan and Declan came over, winking at us.

"All because we danced doesn't mean we're lovebirds," Naomi said.

"The spotlight was on you guys, though, and Bennett looked like he was enjoying it, am I right, Dec?" Jordan asked, nudging Declan.

"Yep," he agreed, popping the p.

"It's better than dancing with all the desperate girls here," I smiled at Naomi.

"True, you've won this time, Mr and Mrs Frazier."

"Jordan! We aren't even dating, let alone married!" Naomi turned bright red. "I would dance with you two as well!"

"You will be married, though, and will be dating," Declan helped Jordan, which the blonde nodded.

"Sometimes I swear you two just like to see my pain," Naomi muttered.

"Of course, that's our jobs," Jordan laughed.

"Actually, Declan is alright without you, Jordan. Maybe he has a little crush...." Naomi sung the last bit.

Declan went bright red. "I do not!"

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