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Bennetts pov:

I stormed up to Parker and Raymond.

"Oh great. I'm going to get beat up again." Raymond sighed.

"Actually, I'm not here for you, Raymond. I'm here for the piece of shit next to you. But, if you want to, I can beat you up."

"Nah, I'm good. Sorry, Parker, but I'm out. This guy is a psycho."

"Well, thanks Raymond. Totally my best friend." Parker rolled his eyes. "Anyways, what do you want?" He spat.

"I'm here to get revenge for Naomi, except she doesn't know that I'm getting revenge." I shrugged.

"Oh, fuck my life." He muttered.

"If I could, I would drag you to hell and make you punch satan and then he would make hell more of a worse place for you."

"Well, guess that's not happening any time soon."

"Well, when I want to be, I can be Satan. If you search his name up on the internet my picture will come up." I shrugged again, as if it was nothing.

"Well, I'm good. I'm just gonna go..." Parker started to walk off, but I grabbed him.

I dragged him to an alleyway and beat him up, careful not to get blood on my merch. I managed it, luckily.

I spat on his unconscious body and walked back go my car. Everyone was looking and staring at me like usual.

"It's Bennett!" Someone gasped.

"Bennett Frazier...." Someone else dragged.

"He's so hot!" Some girl screamed.

I ignored all of them and just climbed in my car. I sped off away from the stares and comments. I blasted my radio, even though it didn't cut through my suffocating thoughts.

Freak show from Set It Off came on.

My thoughts became worse. I am just a freak, a freak in a show everyone watches just to take the piss out of. Someone everyone hates, but still makes time in their lives to watch, to be cruel to.

This is what I've always been, what I always will be. Even to my own family. My family that is still alive.

I'm just a freak. A freak no one loves. The emo rich kid. The spoilt brat that everyone hates.

I regret I ever tried to talk. Everyone just judged me, kicked me down and kicked me over and over, even when I'm still on the floor. A place I will never get of off.

I'm stuck. Stuck in my thoughts. Stuck on the ground where I belong. Stuck being alone. Stuck in this horrible life. Stuck in my messed up family.

No one can save me now. Not even the people I love. My best friends can't do anything. Not even the one I'm madly in love with. I can't get help, because there's no one to help me. I can't escape, because there's no one to help me. There's no use trying to escape, either. I'll always be dragged back down, and there's a chance if anyone tries to save me they will be dragged back down with me. Then, they'll be stuck on the floor with me.

Then it will be double the trouble to try and escape again.

I want to cry, but no tears are here to come. They are all dried up, unable to escape from my eyes, just like me.

I drive to the base. I walk in and ignore the others, going straight to my room. My hands are in my pockets as I head into my room. I slam the door shut, collapsing onto my bed.

I plugg my earphones in and Dear Momma comes on by SadBoyProlific.

I just lay on my bed, not moving at all. I want to go. To leave this world. I want to just quit this game of life, and never come back. Who would want to stay in this life when it's like this?

My thoughts took over my body. I couldn't even move if I tried, just because I couldn't escape my thoughts.

A knock on the door finally brought me out of my thoughts. I paused my music, taking my earbuds out.

"Yeah?" I called out, tiredly.

"It's Naomi. Can you let me in?" The voice called out.

"The doors open." I sighed.

Naomi started to walk in, shutting the door behind her.

"What's up?" She asked, getting straight to the point.

"I don't want to be here."

"What do you mean? Here at the base or..... No, no, no. Bennett, you can't."

"I think I have too. There's only three good things in my life. You, Jordan and Declan."

"Yeah, three things to live for. We'd all be broken without you, Bennett! If you end it all, it might make one of us end it, then another and another. You can't do this to us!"

A tear finally managed to escape my eye. Naomi run over to me, engulfing me into a warm, friendly hug.

"Naomi, I can't do it anymore. I can't act as if nothing has happened or is happening. I can't just keep up this act. I'm not strong. I'm not brave. I don't deserve to be a musketeer."

Naomi pulled away from the hug and grabbed my face. "Bennett, you are strong. You are brave. You've lasted this long in life. You do deserve to be a musketeer, and don't let anyone, not even yourself, tell you otherwise. The musketeers wouldn't be complete without you. Who would cook? Who would drive? Who would read with me? Who would help me with the Jordan and Declan? It would be like looking after two children as a single mother."

"You'll manage, Naomi. Now stop lying! I'm not strong of brave! I'm useless!"

Then Naomi slapped me. "That was for putting yourself down. I'm not the one lying. Your lying to yourself, trying to give you a reason to end it all. A reason that doesn't exist! Come on, Bennett. Please, don't do this. For all of us."


"No, Bennett. Don't put yourself down again. Don't make yourself end it all."

"But it's all true! What everyone says about me! It's all fucking true. I don't belong here, I'm just a freak. A freak for everyone to watch. Someone who everyone hates but makes time in their day to take the piss out of-" I was cut off by Naomi kissing me. I kissed back after recovering from the shock of her lips touching mine.

"Now that's stopped you. Bennett, no one can live without you! Especially me. I fucking love you! If you left I would be broken. Then the others would also be broken, making all of us worse!" She shouted at me.

"I love you too, Naomi." I said quietly.

"Don't end it all, then, Bennett. You know what it's like to lose someone you love. I would be like that, but worse. Your not just the guy I love, but also one of my best friends." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

Then I pulled her in and kissed her passionately again.

"Thank you, Naomi." I said, quietly, after I pulled away.

"Your welcome, Bennett."

Then I kissed her again.

A/n ok so i just find this one cute at the end. I don't know why. I'm sorry if you thought that Bennett was going to end it all. I didn't want to hurt your hearts. So, he's gonna live. Plus, if he did die again in one of my oneshots I would probably die as well. Anyways, bye.

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