75 (P2)

103 5 0

A/n hahahaha!! I'm so mean.

Bennetts pov:

I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in a hospital bed, my body aching. Three people stood around me, talking in hushed voices. They soon stopped when they noticed my awakening.

"Bennett, how are you feeling?" Naomi asked as a nurse rushed in.

"I-" I could barely speak due to my mouth being so dry. The nurse gave me a drink, giving me a sweet smile. I gulped it down before speaking again. "I've been better, honestly."

Naomi just nodded.

"You should be able to leave in a couple of days. We just need to keep an eye on you for a bit, but you haven't got too bad injuries. A couple broken ribs, a concussion and a broken leg. Other than that, you should be fine," the nurse smiled at me.

"Thank you," I smiled at her as best I could.

"You're welcome," she said before leaving us alone again.

"I'm so glad that Naomi told us what was happening so we could get an ambulance quickly," Jordan sighed but smiled nonetheless. "I'm just glad that you're okay, buddy."

"Yeah," I smiled at him.

"I'm leaving," Declan glared at me. "I won't be back for a while, probably."

He slammed the door as he left as I gave the other two a confused look. "We broke up," Naomi whispered. "Because I love you, instead."

"I'm sorry, Naomi," I mumbled. "None of this would've happened if it wasn't for me being jealous."

"No, it's no one's fault," she replied.

"I'm going to go to the cafeteria," Jordan winked at Naomi. "Do you guys want anything?"

"Can I have a drink and something to eat, please? I'm starving," Naomi said.

"Of course. Bent?"

"I'm fine, thanks," I replied as he left us. Naomi sat down in the chair next to me, grabbing my hand. I winced at the pain, to which she pulled away.


"No, no, it's fine," I said, giving her my hand again. "It's just like a shock, the pain."

"Yeah," she mumbled. "Listen, Bennett, I love you, and I was so fucking scared when you did that. Please don't do it again. I- I love you."

"I love you too," I said. Now, here we are. Sitting quietly in a hospital room.

She leans down and gently gives me a kiss, trying not to hurt me in anyway. She sits back up, smiling down at me.

Jordan walks in, handing Naomi her food. "The nurse just said that you can leave tomorrow, Bent," he informs us.

"Okay, thanks," I say back to him.

"And please, promise us you won't do that again?" Jordan looks me in the eye.

"I promise."

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