14 p2

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A/n before I start I just wanna thank you guys for 500+ reads. I am so freaking amazed that so many people have read one of my crappy books. Also if you have any suggestions or improvements then just say so in the comments or private message me.

Bennetts pov:

I turned away when she saw me smirk. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I have feelings. I can make facial expressions. So can every other human. Yes, I'm human. I'm not a robot.

One of the feelings I can feel is love. That's only for one person, well girl in this world. I will let you guess who it is.

She has brown hair and eyes. She is smart and beautiful and funny. She wears glasses and is a tomboy. I wouldn't be surprised if she was bisexual or something.

That's right, you guessed it.

I have a crush on Naomi Lorraine.

Except so do the others. Which is kind off bad on my part. They have everything I don't.

Jordan can hack and can paint and draw. He is funny and caring. Naomi is probably closest to him due to them being kind off alike. Well, Jordan is like a girl. He's into fashion and that.

Declan can play music and can sing. He can protect Naomi and play music for her. She isn't too close too Declan but they're closer than me and Naomi.

Well, then there is me. My mother is dead, my dad is trying to force me to run his company. Bentley is just stuck up. Brennan is obsessed with me getting a girlfriend. I can't do anything for Naomi other than cook. I can't protect her or have deep conversations with her. I hate talking about feelings and, well, she's a girl. I can't really help with her problems.

Of course she is going to choose one of the others. Well, probably not Declan after what happened. But there's still Jordan. And this is why I've never had a crush before. Cause of them two. Great. Good luck to me, I'm gonna need it but nothing will happen that's good.

I looked at Naomi. She smiled at me and I slightly smiled back.

"Oh look, Declans got girls fussing over his nearly dead body. I can't believe he has time to post that on Instagram. Especially about the girls after what he did to Naomi." Jordan growled.

That was the first time I've heard Jordan growl like that. He must be real mad, so god help Declan. I've seen Jordan mad but not as mad as to murder someone. Which i now have.

"I'm gonna murder him and bury him so far into the ground he lands on the throne in hell where he deserves to sit."

"Isn't that Raymond's place?" Naomi asked.

"Declan is gonna sit on Raymond's lap and they will fuck eachother on the throne."

"I don't need anymore details, thanks Jordan." Naomi said.

"Jordan in the back of my seat is a pillow." I said. Let's hope he uses that to take out his anger.

"What do you mean by that, Bennett?" That's the first time in ages he hasn't called me Bent.

"Punch it, rip it. Do whatever. Just take your anger out on it and picture it as Declans face.  Well it's not even a face. It's so ugly even the smartest people in the world can't recognise it as what it's supposed to be."

That got a snort out of Jordan. "True, Bent, true."

I felt a tug on my arm. I turned to see Naomi holding onto it. She seemed distressed. "Naomi? Are you alright?"

"Bennett. Drive."

I sped up. "Are you going to tell me why your doing this, Naomi?"

She just nodded. "Declan."

"Oh fuck! He's following us. He's literally running after the car." Jordan burst out laughing. I rolled my eyes but got faster.

I got quite far away from him after some sharp turns and a lot of speeding up. "And I thought I was an idiot." Jordan snorted. "I can't believe he actually ran after us with Bennett driving."

"I know right. I gotta admit it was quite scary seeing an angry bull charging at me through a mirror." Naomi laughed.

"He underestimates me." Is all I said.

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