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Bennetts pov:

A pain erupted in my chest. I can't believe he managed to gain her smile, her laugh, her gorgeous face, her shiny hair. And, especially, her heart.

I'm glad she's happy, but not happy with me. She's happy with somebody who put her through hell and back, or should I say his kingdom and back. I hate that she can forgive him and Raymond in a matter of seconds.

She's too nice on people. Yeah, I know she has a heart. Yeah, I know people deserve second chances. But not when it's this bad. When someone beats you up everyday for 11 years, you don't just forgive and forget. Well, she probably hasn't forgotten it, but she has forgiven him. Which is quite a hard thing to gain, forgiveness.

It's not something you can gain in a couple of seconds, like Parker did. Like my dad won't ever get my forgiveness, well he might but it's unlikely, and it definitely won't be in a couple of seconds. It would probably take me longer than Naomi getting bullied for me to choose to give him forgiveness or not.

But why Parker? I know the guys a jock, but he's still a cocky little dick. I would say like his actual dick, but I bet it's so small you can't see it, or he doesn't have one. Oh wait, he has no balls. He always runs when Naomi's not about and we walk past or talk to him. Funny thing is, whenever he does run he has his tail in-between his legs where his dick is supposed to be. Key word: supposed.

I stared up at the ceiling, thoughts running through my head. The main one is how I'm going to murder Parker without Naomi knowing it was me. Which she is quite smart, so that will be hard.

I reached over and turned my phone on. I blasted my music. I don't care what anyone says. I layed still on my bed, music blasting around me. Even though it's so loud, I can't hear my music through my thoughts. All I can hear is voices, asking why she chose him over one of us.

We haven't hurt her. We haven't put her down. We've actually cared for her, and then she goes and breaks one of our hearts. Well, actually all I know is that she's broken mine. The heart that wasn't fixed to begin with, but now I have no heart. It's so broken, I might as well not have any heart. Maybe I can get the pieces and stick it back together, but it still won't be the same. Pieces will still be missing.

They always have, and always will. No matter what I do, because she will never come back and she will always choose someone else over me. He will never let me live the life I want to. They will always be after us. I can't do anything to help my non-existent fixed heart.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door. "What do you want?!" I growled.

"B-Bennett, please let me in! Quickly! He's after me!"

I ran to the door, literally, and let her in. She shut the door and locked it. She embraced me into a hug. Tears streamed down her face. "Naomi, calm down. What's wrong?" I asked. I could hear my voice wobbling from the proximity, but didn't take any more.

"P-parker! He's after me! H-hes going to hurt me. The others, the others told me to go, they said to run back to my little boyfriend for help." She cried harder.

A growl escaped my lips. "What has Parker done? I'll deal with the others later."

"H-he, tried to have sex with me. I said that I wasn't ready, and he tried to force himself onto me. I kicked him in his you-know-what and ran."

"Did he see you? Did he touch you?"

"He didn't see me, but he touched me." She cried even harder. I pulled her closer to me, if that's possible. I picked her up, and went into my bedroom. I layed her onto my bed.

I moved my hand to turn the light switch off, and she flinched. I pulled my hand away quickly. "Has he done this more than once?" I whispered.

She nodded. "Why didn't you tell one of us before?"

"The others wouldn't let me talk. You, well you were nowhere to be found."

A pang of guilt hit my chest. I wasn't here when she needed me, but instead I was getting drunk out of jealousy. "I'm so sorry. I should have been there."

"You didn't know. It was probably family business."

"No, actually. I was getting my anger out, getting drunk. All because I was jealous. I wanted you, but you sound Parker. When you told us, I had planned something. I haven't been the same, ask the others. I've been violent, I even pulled a gun on the other two."

She pulled me towards her and hugged me. "By the way, I have some news. We need to kill Parker."


"Do you want to get rid of the Lost Boys or not? What are they without their leader?"

A/n, I know cliffhanger! I've taken a day off school because of stress but I wanted to update whilst I'm kinda relaxed. Thx for your patience.

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