Hate me ║ Crazy start

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You could say, that the day I started high school was supposed to be the most adventurous and life-changing experience of my life.

Oh, how wrong I was...

My plans going the way I had planned them?
The peaceful life that I wanted to keep?
—Don't know her

But before we begin my awful—ridiculous high school story, how about some background information?

I have lived in England my whole life, everyone was so nice and calm there. I had grown up with a peaceful environment, never really struggled with anything. I guess you can call it an uneventful life.

My mom and dad are both diplomats, so to say the least, my life was and is full of luxury. They worked hard every day to earn the lifestyle that I was used too, and I couldn't be more grateful.

The peaceful life that I lived with my parents changed the day they announced that we were moving...a new life and a new school!

Oh, the drama that was going to occur.
One I could never be prepared for.

But a life changing-one.

The beginning of everything started here.
Everything that I could never dream of.

The morning mist erupted the once star-filled sky, its colors dancing across the horizon and into my window. However, if you are expecting to find a sleeping beauty in the bed—you are deadly wrong.

My frame moved back and forth in my room, mumbling a nuisance that no one could understand. I had my old uniform placed on my bed neatly, it was so weird and awkward for me not to wear it anymore.
The high school I was going to didn't have any uniforms and I was debating on what to do.

"Ah, should I wear a skirt with a Ralph Lauren garnet sweater? Or should I go with more formal attire and wear a plaid dress?" I stressed, lip biting onto my pinky as I looked inside my walking closet.

Indeed, this was my first time going to school without a uniform! The possibilities were limitless. What will they all be wearing? Will I stick out too much? This was a prestigious high school too, but not nearly as back home in England. Pupils could enter with a little extra cash, but it was not a private academy.

"So they have to wear casual clothes right?..."I concluded with a deprived expression, this was going to be hard. I could only hope for the best and possibly fit in.

I didn't really own any casual outfits since I only used them going outside restaurants or other formal events. Or else I had my uniform in school and basically wore comfort clothes at home.

"Dammit! I should have gone shopping earlier" I sighed effortlessly, "Oh well, so shall it be. I'll just wear a skirt with a sweater" I briefly nodded to myself and went inside to find a nice black skirt and an ocean blue sweater. "This will do" I smiled contently and got ready for the day.

A.O.T High was huge! I didn't believe my eyes, maybe I had underestimated this place? The black car drove me further to the premis, I could feel my stomach prickle with butterflies as it stopped in front of the staircase that lead to the wide-open doors of the school.

It was definitely nerve-wracking.

"I'll be back to pick you up at 14:35, miss L/n" A man in his 50s—my shofar to be exact, smiled at me as he shifted to peer in the back seat of the car.

HATE ME ❙ Eren ✘ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now