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chapter eighty-eight; instagram and real life : a year later

leannabibby: celebrating our anniversary at a show, a classic

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leannabibby: celebrating our anniversary at a show, a classic

tagged: newhopereece


newhopereece: hey, you love it
leannabibby: newhopereece you're right, i do

username0: ILL BE THERE TONIGHT!!!

username1: shirtless reece? heck yea

newhopegeorge: i'm hiding behind that clothes rack

newhopeblake: "don't look at me, i'm nAkEd"
leannabibby: newhopblake classic reece line right there

username2: i wish you got a video of him saying that

username3: don't we all?

username4: you don't deserve him
username5: username4 dude they've been together for six years now. get over it

username6: who even thought that putting that was okay

username7: literally the people who originally said that when they first started dating are WAYYYY past it and are now extremely supportive of it. im sorry your 12 yo self doesn't like the fact that someone who is almost 26 and has 2 kids is HAPPILY married.
*newhopereece liked username7's comment*

leannabibby: oh my

username8: just attack the 12 year olds now

username9: and? they were speaking the truth

username10: everyone just needs to stop. it was one comment. that's the end of it

okay this is just a filler because i've been so busy with school and haven't had any time to write but i'm (hopefully) going to post again soon

also once i finish this i have a new idea for a couple of books and hopefully i won't be crap at updating them

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