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"daniel, i'm home!" corbyn calls as he enters the house, hearing quick footsteps as soon as he has closed the front door

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"daniel, i'm home!" corbyn calls as he enters the house, hearing quick footsteps as soon as he has closed the front door.

he kicks his shoes off and places the bags full of groceries down besides the door, smiling when daniel runs into the foyer.

"hi, bub" he says softly, opening his arms for the brunet to walk into.

daniel practically jumps on top of the blond, his legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck as the dominant stumbles back slightly from the impact.

"guessing you missed me then" corbyn chuckles, pecking the boy's cheek.

"yes i missed you! you were gone for too long and i was sad" daniel pouts.

"half an hour isn't that long, dani" corbyn says, hoisting daniel up as he adjusts his grip on the boy's thighs.

"it is when you're a submissive, especially if you're in the middle of an episode. when you're not with your dominant you get sad because you can't hug them and be peppered by their kisses and it feels like forever even if they're gone for just a minute!" daniel frowns.

"you mean you just aren't being coddled enough because i'm not with you?" corbyn raises an eyebrow as his smile widens slightly.

"exactly, it makes me sad when i'm not given enough or any affection."

"well i'm back, so you can have all of the hugs and kisses your heart desires" corbyn chuckles again, beginning to walk into the living room.

daniel hides his face in the crook of corbyn's neck as the blond sits down on the couch, the brunet now straddling corbyn's hips.

"i have a question to ask you" corbyn says, running his fingers through daniel's hair.

daniel hums as a signal for corbyn to continue, kissing over the boy's neck.

"did you like me before all of this happened, like, in any way at all?"

daniel pulls back to look corbyn in the eyes, his hands rested on the blond's chest.

"of course i did. as a closeted submissive i just didn't want to get my hopes up, because if i did go into my first episode whilst i was with you, like i did last week, there was a high chance that you weren't attracted to my scent. like, i thought you were hot, but i didn't let the feelings grow anymore than that" daniel answers truthfully.

"i always knew that you were something special, dani. you've always made me smile even if i don't want to, you've always made me laugh by saying even the simplest of things, you've always stuck with me throughout the hardest of times, you've always been there when i've just wanted to rant. you're honestly perfect, and now i get to call you mine."

daniel smiles at corbyn's words, "is that an informal way of asking me to be your boyfriend?"

"maybe, but i don't want to jump to any conclusions before i take you out on a date" corbyn says, caressing daniel's sides with a slight smirk.

"please, you've fucked me too many times to count" daniel chuckles, cupping corbyn's cheeks in his hands as he leans in slightly.

"i know, but i want to make it extra special for my angel."

daniel giggles against corbyn's lips before sealing the space completely, snaking his arms around the blond's neck.

"i'll never get tired of kissing these precious lips" corbyn mutters, pecking daniel's lips one last time before resting their foreheads together.

"i'll never get tired of staring into these beautiful eyes" daniel hums, tangling his fingers in the mess of blond hair at the back of corbyn's head.

"i never thought that i would be falling for my best friend" corbyn chuckles.

"how could you have known? i was a closeted submissive with no intentions of telling anyone" daniel smiles.

"touché, seavey."

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

daniel climbs into bed besides corbyn after pulling one of the dominant's hoodies over his head, slipping beneath the thick duvet and cuddling into corbyn's side.

the blond wraps his arm over daniel's waist protectively, leaving a lingering kiss on the boy's lips as he pulls him closer against his body.

"i'm taking you out on a date tomorrow. be ready by six and i'll be waiting in the foyer" corbyn says softly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"where are you taking me?" daniel questions, hands rested on corbyn's chest.

"that's a surprise, my love. you'll have to wait and see."


wc: 742

here is our beautiful bean v

here is our beautiful bean v

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