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"i can't believe we trusted zach and jack with the gender reveal" daniel huffs, shaking his head, "i'm so nervous!"

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"i can't believe we trusted zach and jack with the gender reveal" daniel huffs, shaking his head, "i'm so nervous!"

corbyn chuckles, wrapping his arms around daniel's waist and leaning down to press a kiss to the smaller boy's forehead. everyone that they had invited to the gender reveal party is in the living room awaiting the two, and they are currently upstairs in their room so that corbyn can calm daniel down.

"don't worry, baby. they love these cubs just as much as we do so they won't do us dirty. have a little bit of faith" corbyn smiles, brushing a strand of hair off of daniel's forehead.

the younger takes a deep breath before nodding. "okay, i think i'm calm enough to go downstairs. it's all gone great so far so why would it go downhill here if zach and jack care about the cubs just as much as us? i'm calm, everything's gonna be fine."

"that's right, love. everything's gonna be fine" corbyn says, grabbing daniel's hand, "now let's go downstairs and find out the genders of our little miracles."

daniel smiles, kissing corbyn's lips and letting it linger before pulling away.

the two make their way downstairs, daniel's free hand on his stomach as he enters the living room at corbyn's side, his family and friends beginning to cheer.

"we want to know the genders, hurry up, gorgeous!" christina exclaims with a laugh, directing the two over to where zach and jack are stood with a box containing two balloons inside. it seems boring, but the two were too excited to think of anything else, and they had also planned for jonah to pop some confetti in the color of the gender.

and so, they stand behind the box, wide smiles on their faces. corbyn wraps his arm around daniel's waist from the side, the brunet looking up at him with a smile.

"you ready?" corbyn questions, pecking daniel's nose.

daniel nods with a giggle, looking over at zach and jack and waiting for them to begin counting down.

"okay, and open the box in three, two, one!"

daniel and corbyn both take one side of the box opening each, opening them with grins on their faces.

daniel almost immediately starts crying as a blue and pink balloon exits the box, confetti exploding in the air and covering both them and the floor as their friends and family cheer.

"oh my god" he sobs happily, hiding his face in the crook of corbyn's neck.

"i love you" corbyn says, swaying daniel back and forth slightly as the small boy cries.

"i love you too" daniel laughs softly, lifting his head to look corbyn in the eyes.

he cups the blond's cheeks in his hands, looking into his eyes for a few more moments before leaning up to connect their lips. and then their friends and family is cheering again.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ .༄༷˚

"a baby girl and boy, huh?" corbyn smiles as he walks up behind daniel, who is looking at himself in their full body mirror with a content smile on his face, admiring his now very noticeable bump.

corbyn presses a kiss to the boy's neck, placing his hands on his stomach before resting his chin on his shoulder.

"i'm so freaking happy" daniel giggles, pursing his lips to try and contain his smile slightly. "i was so scared at the beginning, and now i just want them out. i want to meet them so, so bad."

corbyn hums, smiling widely at his boyfriend's words. "you know... i already feel as if we're married" he mutters, caressing daniel's covered bump with his thumbs.

"expand on that, love" daniel chuckles, pecking corbyn's cheek.

"i just feel like we don't need to like- commit to a marriage to show that we are so invested in each other. i just... i feel like we're already a married couple. we don't need paper work to show our love for each other, you know?"

daniel listens contently, leaning back against corbyn's chest as the boy happily talks, a soft smile on his lips.

"and i know that being married 'seals the deal' or whatever people say, but i just feel like people will know that we love each other, and will for the rest of our mother fucking lives, even though we're not married. so, i don't know, i'm probably gonna wait until i really feel like the time is write to propose to you, when we're a little older. and even then i just want it to be a me and you thing."

daniel grins, "you are the cutest boy on this earth." he turns around in corbyn's arms, wrapping his own around the blond's neck.

"and, corbyn... you're right, we don't need to be married to show our commitment to each other, and i also want it to eventually be just a me and you thing. you stole the words from my mind."

corbyn chuckles, leaning down to connect his and daniel's lips.

"i know i've said it about a hundred times today already but, daniel james seavey, i love you" he smiles, rubbing his nose against the brunet's, turning the younger's heart into goo.

"i love you more, baby."

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ .༄༷˚ authors note !

hi i miss the boys and eben but i'm so ready for mad at you tonight 🥺🥺

⤷ megan˘͈ᵕ˘͈ ❦

[ WC; 909 ]

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