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Amanda's p.o.v

I hurriedly called back Alissa, she picked up on the second ring, and before she could say anything else than hello I started talking.

"Is his hair short and light brown?"I asked.

"Hmmm, yes, I guess so, it looks really close to black in this photo" she replied.

"Is he light-skinned with blue eyes and pink lips?" I asked again.

"Humm not really, I'm not sure, his eyes look light kinda aqua in the picture, kinda green as well, why though?"

"I think I just saw him, either that or you're making me feel like I wanna know how this person looks really badly."

She laughed loudly, "I'm glad I could help with evoking this curiosity in your soul ." she said before hanging up on me this time.

I journeyed home by using the public bus, it wasn't that far and I could have walked but I couldn't bother to, plus I'll still be doing a little walking from the bus stop to my house anyways.

The scene was perfect as the bus drove by, watching people interact in different ways, some making others sad and others happy. It is truly amazing how the world works. Maybe just maybe one of those many persons I glimpsed just found love, lost a loved one, made the worst mistake of their life or so much more.

In no time I had arrived at my destination and began walking to my house at a moderate paste.

"Honey I'm home," I shouted for my mother to hear since I'm home a little earlier than I said I would be.

"Where are you?" I shouted again.
"In the kitchen." She shouted back to me.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple as I hopped on top of the kitchen counter.
"I'm working a night shift tonight, and so is your father but he'll be home around one am." she notified me.

"Is he here now?." I asked.

"No he left a few minutes ago," she answered

"You're going to ruin your dinner," she stated as she grabbed my apple out of my hand, causing me to huff in disappointment, it was such a good-looking red apple.

"Love you too, I'll call you when dinner is ready."

"Yea, Yea," I replied

I went upstairs to my room and sat on my bed

"' ping"'
I picked up my phone and looked at it
Alissa was texting me 'What was he like?' She asked.

'He looked simple and impatient, he looked as if he was constipated or something'

She replied with a laughing emoji

'So he wasn't handsome?'

'No, he was handsome in a way but, I'm sure that wasn't the new kid'

'Everyone gives you an odd vibe at first.' She replied

'I have to go, I'll see you too' I didn't have to go but that statement had offended me in a way for some reason.

'Ok, bye'
I got up and placed my phone on my bedside table.

"Why is my window closed," I whispered to myself as
I walked over to it and slid it up, opening it and tied the curtains. I'm pretty sure that I opened it before I left this morning, I don't want it to be hot in here tonight.

I stuck my head out and inhaled deadly, I looked around and noticed something kinda odd.
The window across from mine was open on the neighbor's house, I've personally never seen that window open before in my life. I couldn't see anything though because the curtains were down.

"Amanda!."Mom called, causing me not to dwell on the open window anymore.

I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen where mom was putting two plates of food in her bag.

"I'm gonna have to start asking you to sometimes bring your father's food to him, I won't be able to do it all the time anymore," she stated as she zipped up her bag and looked at me,
I nodded in response and smiled.

She kissed my head as she took up her set of house keys and then her coat,
"make sure you close all the doors and windows and make sure you eat your dinner before it gets too cold, bye."

"Bye Mom, be safe," I said as she exited the house and I closed the door behind her.

I ate my dinner in front of the television, then turned it off. I went upstairs to pack my bag for tomorrow then take a bath.

I packed my bag and placed it on the chair in front of my study table and took a bath, brushed my teeth, and walked out ready to put some clothes on.

I walked into my room wrapped up in my blue towel with golden zig-zags on it. That's odd there was a light shining into my room, where could that light be coming from? I wondered.

I walked over to my window and looked out. The curtains for the window across from mine were now separated, I looked inside, and there I saw a boy around my age if not older sitting on a bed. His hands were rested on his knees and he was looking down, it was like he was in deep thoughts.

I was so shocked that I squeaked and jumped a little causing something to fall, but I didn't know what it was, nor did I care at this moment.

That, unfortunately, got his attention, his head slowly moved upwards, he was now looking at me, his face showed no emotion I couldn't guess what he was thinking but still, his face looked as if he was sculpted by a brilliant artist, maybe that's a little too much but he was handsome.

His eyes moved from mine and went a little down then wondered before meeting my eyes again. His lips then formed a half-smirk which looked really badass on his now amused face. Just moments ago he had looked really focused on something and now that something was me, yet his eyes gave nothing away except amusement of course.

My mouth fell open when his lips formed that half-smirk. Did he just wink at me? my head felt a bit heavy. Maybe I had imagined that wink.

I was frozen from embarrassment, but as soon as my brain started to work again I quickly recomposed myself and was about to say something but then he did the unexpected.

He got up, walked to the other side of his bed and sat, his back was now facing me as if I wasn't even there.

I quickly took that as an opportunity to close my window and draw the curtains close. I held tightly onto my towel and leaned against the wall next to my window my eyes wide and my breath hectic.
Did that really just happen?
The feeling of embarrassment ran through my body, causing my face to form a frown.

The lights in my room were off and the light from his room still shone a little threw my window.

Leave it to me when it comes to embarrassment, I assure you that I can single-handedly accomplish it.

'What a first impression!, Gosh, I have such bad luck'. Why couldn't my encounter with this guy just be like the one earlier where I walk into him on the sidewalk or something.

My life can never and will never be the same, at least he didn't comment, at least he didn't bother to say anything at all.


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now