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This week has been so hectic.
My whole life has been so hectic ever since Terrance stepped into my life.

It's like the blinds me from what I want and makes me forget everything when I'm around him.
Was this normal, was it even healthy?.

I went over to my house and ended up doing the laundry earlier than I had planned.

I felt like the least I could do was help my mom and give her some space.

I couldn't even imagine the way she felt right now, I mean my heart had a dropping feeling when I thought that Tallya might have been Terrance's girl or something like that, so I could only imagine what my mom felt.

I couldn't stop wondering why Terrance was so against family especially his mother and father.

I mean he moved countries from my understanding to get away from them.

I didn't have the perfect family while growing up but my sister always made my life fun and worth living.

Our parents were kinda hard on us, from the moment we started school they had pushed us straight into the family competition, pushing us to do things twice as good as our cousins or just any other child in the family.

But Anellea kept it fun for me, she always tried to cheer me up and keep me happy. She was truly the best sister anyone could wish for and she didn't deserve to leave

It was unfair to me that she left me behind.

I enjoyed every single moment I had with her.

At least I'll be reopening a few memories of her tomorrow.

Dresses were kinda her thing and when she died we couldn't have kept all of her things so I had kept things I knew she wouldn't want to be given away or destroyed.

I kept a box she had under her bed with a few things I'm yet to go threw and a few things she had promised to give to me when I was older.

Those few things involved jewellery, dresses and shoes.
She really did have an amazing dressing sense.

I missed her so much and sometimes I just couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if she was still here.

Her favourite quote was everything happens for a reason, she even had me believing it, but now sometimes I just believe that life is a sick game that can't be won.

It had been about four hours since I came back over to my house.

I had finished the laundry and ended up looking threw a photo album I had of me and Anellea.

It was our thing, at least that's what she said it was.

She said that every sibling had something that they did for fun and making memories was ours.

The book starts from childhood photos of us together, to us going out together for birthdays, to us getting ready for her dates and us at the end of each one.

The last one we went on together was with a boy named Alexander, called Zander for short.

This was the very first guy she'd ever gone out with, without me and more than once.

He had light chocolate complexion with mixed hair, tall, charming, smart and knew how to get a girls attention.

If it was now I would have told her straight that he was a player. I mean when I look back now it was quite obvious, and the way he had her wrapped around his finger was so evident.

I wonder what happened to him though. I mean I Didn't remember him being at the little get together we had to give Anellea a proper goodbye.
I know that much.

A knock at my door caused me to lose my train of thoughts as I closed the book and went to see who it was.

I looked threw the window and saw that it was Terrance. He was standing there with his hand behind his back.

"Hi," I said when I opened the door.

"Have you eaten yet?." he asked

"Ummmm...., no," I replied not knowing what he was coming off with because I wasn't in the mood to leave the house.

"Thank goodness." He said as he removes a fast food bag from behind his back.

I stepped aside and allowed him inside.

By now I guess he well used to my house since he walked straight to my kitchen when he walked in.

I stared over at him as he unpacked the food that was in the bags.

But all I could do was stare at him, I wanted to know how things went with his sister, but I knew it would be rude to ask.

"I didn't help her, ok." He finally said.

"What? , I didn't even say anything." I replied innocently.

"You didn't have to, I could feel your stare even if it was a mile away." He stated

"That's not why I was staring."

"Then why were you staring ?."

"I was just wondering if, fine I wanted to know how it went. Why didn't you help her?." I questioned.

"One, because she's cunning, backstabbing and wicked, and two I'm against abortion." He stated.

"But I did offer her to stay at my lake house a couple of miles from here and she said she'd prefer to stay at a hotel."
He had a lake house, he must be talking about that family house near the cliff.

"Then?." I asked

"Then she asked if I could help her plan a wedding for her and the guy that got her pregnant." He stated as he walked to the refrigerator for ice.

"And what did you say about that?." I continued to question him.

"I told her she was asking for way more than she can chew and that she was totally pushing her luck." He finally stated as he took a bite.

But I just stood there thinking.

"Will you just forget about it and come eat with me?." He questioned sounding as if he really didn't want to talk about it at all.

So his sister only came to him because she wanted abortion money.

Wasn't she educated to what lead to pregnancy?.

That thought reminded me that their once was a time I thought I was pregnant because a boy I liked brushed passed me.
Those were the days. Young and clueless.

Young and dumb I guess.


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now