31- promise

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I felt paralyzed, I felt belonging and I had to wonder if this is how every girl felt when they were held by someone they really liked after being around them for a while.

The setting just seemed to be perfect.

The sun could be seen, it was slowly going down over the hills far away and it looked amazing.

The evening was cool and nice, not to mention the view that over the hills.

But most of all the person who I was herewith. The person who was holding me as we watched the sunset together.

I wanted to saver these moments but I already knew that amazing moments like these never last long. The moments you want to last forever are the ones that slip away the fastest.

"We have to go soon," I told him sadly. Even though I didn't want to leave I also didn't want to show up at this person's house in the middle of the night looking like a creep.

"We can come back another day ....... if." He responded causing me to turn in his arms so that I was now facing him.

"If?." I asked questionably

He looked in my eyes and smiled as he adjusted his hands around my waist.

This was one of those moments where my brain was telling me to do something tempting that made me feel afraid.

Hesitantly I did it though, I started slowly and placed my hands on his shoulders around his neck.

This was a really big move for me and I was afraid that he would have done something like take it off.
My heart was beating so fast when I did it and I was really nervous, but I personally think that I hid it well.

"If you promise me two things." He continued

"Which are ?." I coaxed

"One, I want you to keep me company while I wash my car tomorrow ." He said causing me to laugh unbelievably, I don't know what I had expected him to say but I sure knew that wasn't one.

"And two? , I asked

"Leo's family are family friends of mine and his mother invited me to their church this Sunday and to some afternoon thing next week."

"And?" I persuaded him to continue.

"Well I want you to go with me, it really would be rude if I turned down there offer." He stated with a sly smile

"Hhmmmm, I'll think about it," I said teasingly, but the truth was that I'd be going anyways.
I'd already promised Alissa that I would go, but now that he was asking also I definitely had to go.

He smiled slyly at me for a while before pecking me on the side of my lips which caused me to smile at him, it was like he already knew that I was going to go with him. Which was right and I knew it.

My brain was telling me to grip him by his shirt, pull him close to me and kiss him endlessly.

I did, however, remove my hand from around his neck and ran them down his neck stopping at his chest.

That was where I would have held and pulled him in for a passionate kiss but I wasn't gonna push my luck or my confidence. My thoughts were really pushing my luck today.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now