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The rest of the day was normal. I ate my dinner, took a bath, choose an outfit for the next day, I even did my nails.

While I was brushing my teeth I walked over to my window to close it and surprisingly Terrance was standing at his window as well looking up at the stars.

As if feeling me staring at him he looked across at me and to my surprise he waved and smirked before looking up at the sky one last time then closing his window.

"Did he just call to me?." as in greeted me, I asked myself as I also closed my window.

I slowly felt the feeling of embarrassment creep into my mind as I remember the first time I ever saw Terrance threw that window.

Although his attitude is off-key at times I have to admit that he seems to have my best interests at heart.

I mean he did help me with those thieves who tried to rob us and as much as I hated to think about it, he might have followed me the second night because he didn't want anything bad to happen to me plus he did beat up Cole for me.

Although I was just overreacting in the heat of the moment somehow my mind doesn't want to look at it as anything wrong might have happened or would have happened. The only way I feel is that I need to stay the hell away from Cole.

I fell asleep with those thoughts on my mind.

I woke up the next day as usual and played out my morning as if I was preparing for school. No one would have ever suspected a thing.

I walked out of the house and passed Terrance's home. I didn't even look at it since I knew where he would be waiting for me. I assumed it would be the same place as yesterday and my thoughts were confirmed when I walked up to the bus stop and saw him sitting there in a pair of sunglasses and his hair combed down even though it still looked kind of messy with some resting on both sides of his head at the side of his eyes.

Now that I was looking at it the back looked a little shorter than the front.

"Why can't we just meet at your house gate in the mornings?." I asked not quite getting the fact that we lived right beside each other and yet still he walks leave me in the mornings and wait here.

"They seem to all be a little too mosey,"

"They really do love each other's business and my aunt seems to be a major part of their intrusive club." He stated.

I already knew all about that but that had seriously not come to my mind, at least one of us was thinking ahead.

"Please tell me you at least knew our neighbours were intrusive or inquisitive, you seem so blank about your surroundings sometimes ." He stated as he got up, brushed off his pants then began to walk and I followed behind him.

"Of course I knew that," I stated back as I continued to walk behind him and glared at the back of his head.

We soon arrived at a different bus stop and went to a part of the town I've only been to once with my father. The bus stop seemed to be slightly packed with more persons arriving by the seconds.

"Where are we going?." I asked him quietly as we stood beside each other with the rest of the unknown persons around us.

"A fair." He responded, I've never been to a fair nor am I aware of where this fair was keeping, what if we got lost or lost each other, what if the bus broke down in the middle of where ever we were going or what if the bus got High jacked like in movies.

"Will you calm down." He stated to me, my eyes where wide open and my breathing was increasing.

"I don't know anything about where this bus leads to," I said honestly.

"Look it's not that far." He said as he opened his phone and showed me a map of where we would be going and that the bus would drop us off exactly there and come back around two-fifty in the afternoon to pick us up.

Why didn't I think of google ?.

I already felt dirty for giving my mother the impression that I was going to school much less to travel to a place I didn't use to.

Surprisingly the bus wasn't full when all the persons that were waiting went in and thankfully I got a window seat.

I felt so nervous as the bus drove off, I've never done anything like this before.
I mean I've faked sick before which was easy but I've never ever done this before. Terrance, on the other hand, seemed to be a professional at lying and sneaking around.

"Can we do ice breakers?." I asked after a while of driving causing him to look at me quite weirdly.

"It's when...."

"I know what an  ice breaker is." He cuts me off.

He didn't say anything else so I took that as a yes.

"Where are you originally from," I asked, which seemed stupid after I had asked since he had the accent and all, so I didn't blame him when he looked at me weirdly again.

"Just answer," I stated which resulted in him exhaling loudly and sat up straight.

"I'm from Brixton, in England," he replied sounding uninterested.

"I'm from the Caribbean," I replied

It was now his turn to ask a question but he was taking forever.

"It's your turn to ask something," I told him causing him to exhale loudly again.

"How long have you been living here?." Ok I guess this was progress.

"About a year and a half or two ." He didn't have to tell me how long he's lived here since I already knew.

"What's your favourite thing to eat?." I asked

"I don't know , burgers ?, pizza?." He answered with a shrug causing him to sound as if he was asking me what his favourite thing was.

"What's yours.?" He questioned me back

"Anything sweet I guess."

The questions kept on going for the rest of the ride until we were their .
I now knew a bit more about him : he had two old sisters who doesn't associate with him or his family , all the colours he hated why and simple things like that some of the questions he refused to answer but that was ok.


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now