Disopointment (7)

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I was currently waiting for the bus to go home not the school bus but a public bus, it stopped at my feet and I walked in and smiled at the bus driver like I normally do and told him 'good afternoon' which he replied with a nod.

And just like always I walked to an empty window seat, it was almost just another normal boring afternoon of mine that entails catching the bus and going home while my friends went out and had fun.

The bus was about to move off but suddenly made a sudden stop and the doors opened once more.

Terrance came rushing in and shouted "go, go, go"
The driver indeed drove off and Terrance came in and sat in the empty row of a seat directly in front of me.

His light brown hair looked messed up, he was breathing very hard and some parts of his skin looked red, he also had a small cut on his bottom lip.

My eyes widened and after a while of hesitation I moved and sat beside him, I felt like it was necessary for me to make sure he was ok I mean I did want to be on his good side after all even though his attitude and character stinks I must admit that he was good at telling lies and that could come in handy.

"What happened?" I asked softly,
But he didn't reply he just kept breathing hard, he flinched when I was going to touch him on his shoulder so I decided not to touch him at all, his skin was red overall it must have hurt.

After a while it was obvious he wasn't going to reply to my question, so I went back to my seat, I mean I did try.

If he didn't want to talk that was fine I wasn't going to force him to, I mean let's be real I couldn't force him to talk anyways even if I wanted to.

We didn't talk threw-out the whole ride.
So I sat and looked threw the window beside me and watched as we passed everything by.

He speeds out of the bus first and I came off after him, we both started to walk in the direction of our houses which was obviously the same direction since we lived beside each other.

"For someone who has seen you in a towel, you don't act around me as to how I expected you to," he said after a while.

He honestly shocked me by saying that, I had almost completely forgotten about that and didn't expect him to talk to me at all, much less walk with me.

"I don't keep negative emotions or feelings in my mind that aren't good, anything that keeps me unhappy or bothers me I let them go" I replied to him truthfully.

"Then how will you learn?" He questioned after a while.

"What?" I asked

"You said you forget them, but negative things are like mistakes there to be learned from" he replied to me but I said nothing, I'd never thought about it like that before.

He had this calm presence that yelled bad boy or maybe it was screaming stranger danger but all I could see was someone that was quiet, liked his space and hella moody.

His breathing had returned to normal and he didn't look upset anymore.

"I was ganged by some football players, apparently one of them saw today when another member's girl was pushing herself on me," he said then looked at me.

"Expected" I mumbled.

"Apparently he saw when I pushed her off me and she accidentally fell, they thought I was pushing myself on her and pushed her down when she rejected me" he finished saying then looked away.

The whole football team ganged him and he only has small red bruises and a small bruise on his lip.

"Please tell me you didn't break or dislocate any of there bones. " I stated as I froze slightly with wide eyes, he did indeed seem capable of doing such a thing.

He didn't seem to notice my reaction though because he was still walking, it didn't take him long to look back and notice that I had stopped moving.

"What? No" he exhaled loudly
"No, I didn't"
He continued frustratedly.

I took that as confirmation and started walking again.

"So what did you do," I asked out of curiosity hoping that this time he would answer me.

"I didn't fight back and I ran" he stated.

"Well, why didn't you fight back?"
I asked.

I liked how we were walking at medium paste and the sun wasn't hot, it was a nice mood I guess. I think I liked the fact that I now had someone to talk to during this usually lonely walk from the bus stop to my house.

"I haven't been here a month yet, I don't want to get expelled from this school, at least not so early."

"I'm not dumb Manda," he said causing me to look at him weirdly.

"Manda?" I asked.

"Yes your name is Amanda, is it not?."

"Yes but you just said ..."
I didn't get to finish because he cut me off, how rude.

"Amanda sounds stupid, Manda sounds better" he stated as we continued to walk on the paved sidewalk passing houses and trees.

Did he just give me a nickname, I mean no one else calls me Manda and the way he says it in his slight British accent made my head spin a little but that did not make me overlook the fact that he said that my name was stupid but like I said before it would be kind of nice to have him on my side do I ignored it.

"So does this mean we're friends?" I couldn't help but ask.

"Ha don't flatter yourself" he replied laughing causing me to look at him strangely.

"We're nothing more than associates" for some reason that one sentence caused a slight pained feeling in my chest, I mean we were getting on so well I couldn't help but to fell a bit disopointed.

From that moment it was quite obvious Terrance was a hard nut to crack and maybe it was for the best, he did have a bit of odd vibe basically radiating off of him so I did the only thing I could do, "cool" I said as I started to walk a bit faster and left him behind.


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