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I was studying Friday night in my room with my windows closed and the curtains were drawn closed as well.

It was a relaxing Friday night if you asked me. My mother wasn't there and I was one with my school work with no distractions.

I hadn't even looked over at Terrance's house once. I decided that if I could get 'me time' away from him then he could definitely do the same from me.
Plus this was a good thing, at least that was what I tried to tell myself.

My study time was cut short when my phone began to ring, an unknown number pop up on my screen.

I wasn't one for answering unknown numbers so I sat there and just looked at the number as it rang trying to figure out the number. I decided that if it rang again then I would answer it.

Surprisingly it rang again to my misfortune. I watched as the phone vibrated again until I finally picked it up.

"Hello?." I said trying to sound professional and wise.

"Amanda it's Tallya, Terrance's sister. Can you come over?." She asked sounding panicked as she whispered her words threw the phone to me, it sounded as if she was crying.

" Ummm, to Terrance's house?." I questioned confused, why would she want me at their house? at night nonetheless.

"Yea, I need help. It's Terrance, just come quick ok." She told me desperately before hanging up.

What could she possibly need me for? what's wrong with Terrance ?.

I quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater before nervously going over there in the cold.

On my moderate speed walking over there I heard the braking of glass causing me to move faster.

I knocked on the door which instantly pulled open revealing a tear-stained face Tallya, her breathing was hard, her attempts of calming down were useless and she looked slightly panicked.

She quickly pulled me inside. I couldn't wait for her to explain what the hell was going on.
She was scaring me so badly.

The smell of alcohol hit my nose and that's when I noticed her clothes were wet.

"You weren't drinking were you?." I questioned cautiously.
She had claimed to be pregnant the first time I met her and I could see her small baby bump so I hoped she knew that drinking while pregnant is a big no-no.

"No, no of course not. It's Terrance." She gulped "he's drunk." She revealed.

If I wasn't afraid a moment ago I was totally afraid now, drunk people were not my speciality. You never knew what they were capable of or what their next move would be.

"Please." She said sounding as if I was her only hope, most likely because my eyes were now wide as I tried to count my blessings which most likely weren't a lot since I've been lying so much these past couples of months.

"Why did you call me ?."I asked her.

"Terrance hates me and I don't blame him, he acts like he doesn't when he's sober but I know he does. This proves his real thoughts of me." She stated as she pulled the socked blouse from her body to prove her point, causing me to look down at her wet blouse.

"I came by and saw him drinking from the bottles but he was already drunk. I tried to take them from him, for him to stop but he started to shout at me. It all happened so quickly the next thing I knew he pored one of the bottles on me and threatened to 'light me up."

So that happened to her and she wanted to send me to him, she really was a cruel person.

"I can't go to him," I stated most likely sounding hysterical.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now