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Before I was even able to see the sea I smelled the saltwater.

It was sent I've always loved. We had lots of beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, in all the Caribbean countries to be exact.

I loved the view of the ocean and so did Anellea, it always gave us a calm feeling especially when we sat and watched the waves in the water, it was like nothing around us really mattered, at least that's what I remember us discussing.

All of a sudden Terrance drove into a parking lot and switched off the car. He then stretched over to the back seat and picked up a towel that I hadn't noticed before.

"Let's go." He said exiting the car, I did the same and followed behind him.

The sun was going down slowly and the water looked even more amazing as we got closer to it.

He soon chose a spot and unwrapped the towel taking a few candy bars out of it before placing the towel on the sand.

He sat on it and I sat beside him.

"How's this for a date?." He asked causing me to tilt my head back and laugh.

"Well, in the movies they always have a picnic basket and twinkling lights," I suggested as I looked over at the sun which the sea was swallowing up.

"Well, we have chocolate bars and sunset." He stated as he handed me a chocolate bar.

"And very soon we'll have the stars as twinkling lights ." He said causing me to look up at the currently clear sky.

"Then it's perfect," I replied smiling over at him before resting my head on his shoulder.

You know that feeling of being happy and not having a care in the world and you wish your life could just feel like this forever like you wanna just stay in this moment and cherish all these seconds before there all done or gone?. Well, that was now for me.

He placed his hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"The next time we come here maybe I'll set up twinkling lights." He said

"No, this is fine. I like the stars."I said as I continued to watch as each wave rolled in after the other and how the sunset reflected in the water.

This was nice, his presence was nice, the sound of nothing but the waves was also nice everything was just amazing.

Most of our dates were going for ice cream, going to the park or just chilling in my room so the change was nice and simple, I simply adored this.

"The last time I saw the sea other than when I took the plane here was with Anellea."

"Your sister?." He asked in conformation.

"Yep, She was dating this boy called Alexander, we called him Zander for short. I remember feeling so left out but now that I think about it I now notice how happy she was, maybe she was even in love." I said thinking about it.

It makes me wonder how many dates they went on without me, with him?

"Her death was passed as suicide," I said, it just seemed fair to tell him since I know a major part of his life events so it's time he knows apart of mine.

I glimpse his head turn in my direction but I kept my head straight, looking at the sun far out in the sea, at that line where the sky meets the sea.

"They said it looked like someone tried to end her life and at the same time like she tried to do it but changed her mind last minute but didn't change it fast enough," I stated

"It was marked as so many things, they also said it looked like someone tried to kill her and she did nothing to stop them like she just accepted it."

"What do you think happened?." He asked causing me to look at him then back at the sea.

"I don't know. I mean she never seemed sad, stressed or anything to me, ever." I replied in thought as I looked down at my hands.

"I remember she troubled with depression for less than a month once but that was over twelve years ago or more. I knew she had a few enemies but would they really kill?." I replied

"It just seemed so weird."

"Were you two close ?." He questioned once more causing me to think of all the happy moments I had with her.

"The closest, I felt more related to her than my own mother and father, "I replied honestly.

I was kinda surprised myself as to how strong I was right now. It's been so long since I talked or even in a way relived her death.
She was more of a motherly figure to me than of a sister and I missed her badly.

"I wasn't there then but I'm here now." He replied softly in my ear as he pulled me on his lap, one hand wrapped around my waist the other rested on my thigh our faces so close that I could smell the chocolate on his breath.

I loved these moments of my mind is cleared and the feeling of love surrounding me completely.

Any thoughts?

Kl !!!, now tap that star.


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now