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The two ladies left as soon as they were finished and I thanked them.

They were truly amazing.

I stood by a window in the room and looked out, I could see a clear view of the backyard where the wedding would be keeping, the garden that surrounded it was absolutely beautiful.

The setting up was almost finished and it was also really beautiful, all that was left was for the guests to arrive.

I was getting bored and couldn't spend any more time In this room so I decided to go in search of Terrance.

He had told me where his room was located but this Holliday house was huge and I didn't want to get lost, so I decided to just walk to the entrance we came from then maybe back to the room.

Heals were not my thing and I could already feel where the pain would be in my feet later but for now I was rocking them like a runway model, taking careful slow strides as if this was something I did daily the only problem was I looked down way too much.

While paying too much attention down at my walking I walked into someone.

I looked up with wide eyes in panic but the feeling of relieve quickly took over when I looked up and saw that it was just Terrance.

"You clean up good Manda." He chuckled as I took his look in.

"You don't look so bad yourself" I commented, this was the first time I was seeing Terrance in formal attire and I loved it.

His black jacket, dress pants and white undershirt reminded me of James Bond for some odd reason and I knew that was just the nerd in me speaking but his look wasn't complete.

"I was coming to ask you, bow or tie?." He asked causing me to laugh and step back a little from the slight walking into each other position we were in before.

"Definitely the tie." I smiled widely causing him to place the bow on a nearby lamp holder and began to tie his tie.

"Everything is coming along nicely," I commented while walking over to another window that had a slight view of the backyard.

"It is." He confirmed as he finished up with his tie, walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist then placed his nose in the crook of my neck for a bit before removing it.

"Why did you choose the tie?." He asked causing me to turn in his hold so that we were now facing each other and smiled.

"So that I can do this," I replied as I pulled him in by his tie and kissed him.

"Hummm good choice."

"I know," I replied as I pulled him in for another kiss this time causing him to laugh when we part lips but his eyes kept moving from my eyes to lips to my full face and all over again.

"Te-Terrance?" A shaky voice questioned unbelievably causing Terrance to remove his lips from mine and look in the direction the voice came from.

There stood a short girl with pixy cut strawberry blond hair that looked a bit older than us, but it was kind of hard to really determine her age because her makeup was done to obviously reduce age, some might say to perfection.
"Taylor," Terrance whispered as he began to clench his teeth.
So this was the eldest sister.

"I always thought that I would be the first one to get married, guess I was wrong " She stated now in full confidence, her tone stronger than before.

"Why make such a face brother?." She questioned sounding a bit cocky.

"You do not get to call me that." He pointed a finger in her direction before grabbing my hand ready for retreat.

"I'm sorry Terrance but it is what it is." She replied

Terrance quickly pulled me along with him as I tried to keep up in the shoes I was wearing but I knew he wouldn't allow me to fall.

I thought he was going to stop once we were out of sight but he didn't and I couldn't keep on pretending that I could walk fast in high shoes.

"Terrance," I called but he didn't stop, it was like he couldn't hear me.

"Stop," I said once more as he continued to pull me along.

"Terrance your gonna make me sprain my ankle, stop," I said a bit louder than before as I pulled on his hand. Thankfully this time he stopped.

"If I had known she was going to be here I would have never agreed to this." He stated while his breathing increased.

"You need to calm down, where can we go?." I asked while looking around at all the closed doors around us but nothing looked familiar.

He grabbed my hand and once again pulled me into one of the closed doors and just like every other room in this house it was beautiful.

"I knew she would do something like this, they just can't leave me alone." He said as he pasted the room walking back and forth as he ran his hand threw his well-groomed hair.

Me on the other hand, I quickly sat down on the bed and took off my shoes enjoying the relief of my feet touching a flat surface, however that didn't last for long because I was frightened from the sound of a vase connecting with the ground.

Shattering into a million pieces.

"Terrance no." I quickly said and walked carefully over to him where there was no glass before he could break something else.

"Just calm down, relax." I continued to say as I moved him away from breakable items.

I knew he wasn't perfect and I knew he had problems but I wasn't going to allow him to deal with them alone no matter how terrified I felt.

"Sit with me."

It took a while but he eventually did what I was asking.

"I know that I don't know the full story but you can't give them the satisfaction of knowing that she can get to you."

He placed his hands on his knees and looked at the ground, not once looking at me.

"I'm afraid Manda, I don't really care about them. I'm just afraid, I'm afraid for a reason that doesn't even make sense." He replied, running his hands over his face before looking back down.


"I just am, it's like trama or something."

"You don't have to," I stated as I took his hands in hold

"I'll be your knight in shining armour," I stated causing him to give me a raised brow.

Thank goddess my distraction was working.

"Isn't that my job?." He asked

"Not when you have a girl that likes to feel in control," I replied while climbing on to his lap.

"You can try to distract me Amanda but that doesn't solve my problem."

"Oh I know, I'm just solving my problem."

"Which is?."

"Making my super hot boyfriend who does look extra hot when upset by the way not to make my first ever wedding a complete disaster."

"And how do you plan on doing that?."

"Is this not working well enough? maybe we should strip." I joked causing him to give me a raised brow look once again as I began to unbutton two first buttons on his shirt.

Do I really even have to type


He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now