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I walked to the bus stop and surprisingly Terrance followed behind me.

I sat on the waiting bench and he sat beside me.
I looked over at him a couple of times but he was looking out into space but as soon as I turned my head away I glimpsed his turning in my direction.

"How are you feeling?." He asked after a while of hesitation.

"I'm not sure, how are you feeling?." I asked him back his own question.

"Alive." He started causing me to look over at him


His head slowly turned to mine once more and our eyes met.

He was about to say something but the bus pulled up and we quickly went on it. I sat at one of my usual window seats and he sat beside me.

"I felt so angry when I saw how panicked you were and your words didn't help," he said

"I haven't been in a real fight since I've moved here and the adrenaline makes me feel alive although that fight was kinda one-sided." He continued "I personally love a fair two-sided fight."

"You like the feeling of your heart beating fast?." I questioned him causing him to look over at me.

"I didn't like how it felt when I saw you panicking ." He revealed, so his heartbeat had increased when I was panicking, I guess that's normal. He looked away from me and so did I from him.

I looked down at his shirt which now had dry blood-soaked in it. I pinched the material pulling it up to get a better view of it.

"Well, that's never coming out," I stated as he looked down at what I was doing but he said nothing.
I got the feeling of déjà vu, did this happen already? , did I say those words to him the day when the football guys attacked him?

"I'm sorry for all of this," I told him honestly. I got him a few day's suspension and bloody clothes.

"I'm not,"

"But do you want to make it up to me?." He asked causing me to look at him strangely, his eyes seemed to shine slightly brighter as if he had a major solution or idea.

"Hum ....sure what do you need?." I said uncertainly if I wanted to agree but at the same time, I kinda did owe him my life in away.

"My aunt can't know I got suspended even if it won't be on my files."


"I need your help."

"How can I help you?." I asked curiously not sure what he was coming off with.

"I want you to take advantage of those couple days you got off and help me."

"How can I possibly help you with that .?"
I asked

"I need you to carry me out or allow me to stay at your house threw out the days." He stated but I didn't know what to say, how did he even realize that I didn't even think about my mother until now.

I can't let her find out that I got assaulted or almost raped if that's even what it is.

My mother would go bonkers/hysterical.

"Judging by the look on your face I'm guessing you can't let your mother find out either." He stated

"So what's your plan?." I asked since he seemed to have already thought about everything.

"My aunt leaves before me in the mornings but she comes back at random times in the afternoon."

"And my mom recently started leaving for work at midday," I stated

"I think we could work something out," I told him after a while of thinking about it.

We decided that on the first day we would go somewhere quiet and wasn't crowded, the second day we would stay at his house then go to mine after my mom leaves for work.

I felt so bad, but I didn't want to break my mother's heart which would probably happen anyway if she found out I wasn't going to school and was spending my days with a boy. Terrance, on the other hand, looked as normal as ever, I couldn't read his mind by his facial expression but I assumed that he had no regrets or second thoughts about the plans.

The bus stopped and we exited it and started to walk in the direction of our homes.

He was walking a little faster than me, I took the opportunity to look at him, I mean to really look at him. He seemed so bipolar when you actually think about all his ways.

He wasn't bad looking either, who would have thought that the new handsome English student with a nasty attitude at times would have gotten into a fight for me.

Even if the person he fought didn't really fight back.

"Your starting to make me feel uncomfortable." He said taking me by surprise, I didn't notice that my staring was obvious. Hell, I didn't even notice that he noticed that I was full-on staring at him.

"Sorry, "I replied as I look away.

I walked towards my house and he walked passed his house and mine.

"Where are you going."

"It doesn't matter." He replied might I add quite rudely but as I said he was bipolar and probably weird but his intentions seemed pure, that and the fact that I think he was still using me.

I do have the most unfortunate luck after all.

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