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What was I even supposed to do? , that question just kept running threw my mind.

He walked threw my window for crying out loud just to get away from me.

Why does life have to be so hard?

I woke up the next day and actually went to school. I took the bus just because I wanted to walk past his house but unfortunately I didn't see him at all.

It was basically just another day except for the fact that Terrance was on my mind and I kept on seeing so many people who seemed to look like him, causing me to do a double-take of almost everyone I saw.

But that was just me being paranoid I guessed.

I went to my classes and kept on looking over at Terrance's seat even though he wasn't there in the classes I shared with him.

I guess I just wanted to see him, I had this feeling of need to see him and it was eating me up from the inside out.

I didn't want to go over to his house cause seriously what would I say if I was meet with his aunt?.

'Hi is your nephew home? I just want to talk about something that happened between us yesterday' that would be weird and suspicious in a way, plus I don't think I would like his aunt very much.

I've never talked to her before except for occasional good mornings and afternoons, but I've heard things in which she says about people and how inquisitive she is.

"Amanda." The teacher called causing me to jump slightly.

"Are you ok?." The teacher asked. At least this wasn't one of my awful teachers and this one actually had compassion and a heart.

"Yes, I'm fine. Thank you." I replied to her causing her to nod her head before taking up a book and walked over to me with it.

"I was asking if you could give this book to Terrance since your his neighbour." She said as she handed the book to me. It was an average notebook with his name on it.

"Ok," I said accepting the book.

At least now I had a reason to go to his house. But was it a good idea to go to his house I mean...

OMG life, why is it so difficult and unpredictable.

The day ran by so slowly. It was now lunch and I went to the library instead of the cafeteria. I had no classes today with any of my friends and I haven't seen Alissa from the morning I doubt she even knows I'm here.

I went to the library and caught up on as much of the classes I missed by reading and writing notes.

My last classes of the day ran by with me understanding almost nothing but I'd get there eventually. Just a few YouTube videos and writing notes and I should be back on track.

By the time school was over I was feeling brave and energetic, I felt that way all threw out the bus ride and even as I walked home but when I neared his house those feelings transform into fear, nervousness, and worry.

It even caused me to go to my house instead, I'll go later instead of now. I ended up taking a bath and ate dinner. I was about to do some reading to catch up when I spotted his book.

I took a deep breath and exhaled loudly before I grabbed his book, got up off my bed and started my journey to his house.

I closed my front door and started my journey towards his house.

I exhaled loudly once more trying to calm myself before I rang his doorbell.

I waited a few moments which felt like hours as I stood there feeling slightly out of place.

I was about to knock when the door opened.

"Good afternoon Mis Jones," I told Terrance's aunt. I watched as her eyes scanned me from head to toe, she was most likely looking for a flaw to spread with her gossip friends who lived down the road in our neighbourhood.

Her eyes soon went back up to mine and I swear her eyes lighted up as she smiled at me.

"How May I help you, Amanda ?." She asked in a sickeningly sweet tone, it was now my turn to quickly look at her. She had her keys in her hand along with a purse.

How did she even know my name, I've lived here long enough yes but I've never had any interaction with her like this before now.

"Terrance and I attend the same school and I'm here to return this book to him," I stated as I forced a smile back at her and stretched the book towards her.

She was also dressed and looked as if she was about to or will be leaving the house soon.

"Oh, I'm afraid I have no time to give the book to him myself since I'm kind of in a rush to get somewhere ." She paused and clicked her tongue as she looked down at her watch.

"Why don't you bring it to him for me. His room is just up the stairs and straight down the passage, you honestly can't miss it," she stated with another wide smile as she gestured for me to enter then pointed towards the stairs.

"Thank you, Mis Jones," I told her as I took off my shoes then headed up her stairs.

My heartbeat picked up speed as I walked up the stairs and down the passage. There seemed to be a lot of pictures on the wall of Mis Jones and friends. From childhood pictures and of recent pictures.

I was now in front of the only door that was at the end of the passage.

'It's now or never' I thought,
'This could be a good thing. Plus this might just turn out ok. No regrets.

I'm not sure what's gonna happen in the next chapter and I don't wanna rush their relationship but I also don't want it to be slow.

I'm desperate for progress and I know y'all are too

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