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Being at school was so different now, not really. But for me, it was in away.

Terrance constantly winks or smirks at me when I see him, sometimes he touches me at my side since I'm ticklish there as he passes me in the halls and other times we would have study sessions in the library.

I loved how he didn't object with my study sessions and joins me most of the times. He does complain that I should take brakes more often and that I study for too many hours so I now take brakes.

Those brakes are spent talking to him or just looking at each other and smiling. Sometimes we just chill listening to songs and play two-player games.

He's been coming over as much as he possibly can and I like that but still, I'm very afraid that we might get caught.
Our literature teacher said that we can bring in our assignments anytime we want except for the week before our final exam starts and that we will be getting them back after exam finals.

Terrance and I had already written ours but he didn't see mine and I didn't see his.

We wrote our view on the book separately before consulting/ sharing our opinions then one after we did that, spent a lot of time together, a few quick ice cream dates after school and a few trips to the park.

I was currently waiting at the bus stop for Terrance to come and pick me up. It was a Friday afternoon mom said she would be back on Monday or Tuesday and I was so taking advantage of this opportunity.

When I told Terrance I saw it as nothing more than just my mom working and I would stay home but then he suggested that we should spend time together during these days and that had caused me to smile.

They always said that girls are the clingy ones in a relationship but truly, in a way Terrance was way more clingy than I am.

He always wants to go out with me, to walk me to my classes and he sends me so many messages per day . while I was clingy as in I loved having him near me, hugging him, kissing him, holding his hand or even hearing him speak,  you know typical girl stuff.

I quickly hopped in his car and placed the bag I had on the back seat as he drove off.

"Are you seriously not going to tell me where we're going?" I asked as I took my phone out of my pocket.

"Nope." He said snatching my phone out my hand.

"Hey!." I said trying to get my phone back from him but he just dropped it in his door compartment.

"No practice tests." He said already knowing what  I was going to do.

I opened my mouth to respond but he just cuts me off.

"Nor reading, nor texting that church boy chick about her church boyfriend problems or about how their relationship is going." He responded as we slowed down as we approached a stoplight that had just changed to red.

"Why do you keep reading when you have your own life to live ?. You have your own relationship now, your very own boyfriend." He said looking over at me with a cocky expression.

"Just stop, get ready ." He said looking up at the stoplight that was now on orange.

"And go." He said as the light changed to green.

The road we were on had no one else there but we couldn't have just broken the stoplight, that would have been wrong and dangerous in a way although there was no one else there.

He drove off so fast that it caused me to screech a bit and hold on tight, he turned on the radio up a bit as he speeds along the road.

The wind attacked us before he slowed down.

Nothing around us looked familiar, everything was so different.

"Can you at least tell me what we're going to do."

"At this place where we are going that is." I quickly added causing him to glimpse at me quickly then back on the road.

"anything you want to do." He replied which really didn't help much.

So here I was driving to someplace I don't know with my boyfriend and will most likely be spending the whole night with him responsibly of course.

There was truly no need to panic at all. I was so panicking inside there are about a million things that could go wrong.

"Can you calm down ?, I can basically feel the negative energy rolling off you in waves ." He said causing me to try and calm down my heartbeats.

"Everything will be fine." He said, that obviously didn't help much but at least he was trying.

Over the past months, I've learned that Terrance isn't much of the person to call if you wanted to be calm  I think it has to do with the fact that he liked adrenaline.

I think he even told me once or twice that he loved the way I made his heart speed up just by being with me, or by thinking about me. He's just a bit too straight forward with me at times and I love it.

Sometimes I can't help but just look at him overall as in the way he dresses and act and wonder what people would say and think if they found out that the schools once rumoured secret lesbian/ nerd/ antisocial geek is with one of the most wanted secretive boys in the school who ignores all the girls who try to make a move on him and almost everyone else as well.

If you truly think about it he's the one that should be rumoured to be keeping his gayness under secret but then again no one cares except for those who can't stand paying attention to their own life.

But then again did gay boys give off a bad boy vibe that basically demands your attention ?, and commands you to drool?, it's never been in my religion but now I'm curious.

Well, it doesn't matter because Terrance was mine and I liked being this way.

I'm almost finished writing chapter one for book two of this book.

Whose excited?!?!?!!!

Comment - come on you must have some thoughts you want to share.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now