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It's been another day and everything was going normal as ever and by normal I mean teachers stressing us with homework, graded assignments, group assignments and projects. It was coming down to the last week in this term and they were throwing us every possible thing they could to get the grades they wanted.

It was all very hectic, a little too hectic for me. I used to going slow and seeing everything around me moving fast for some reason makes me feel like I want to move even slower.

I'd thought that our literature teacher would of at least been calm and collected as always but not today.

When I entered the classroom handouts were already on our desks and a summary of the book we had read last was projected onto the board.

We spent most of the session going over main characters in the book their purposes, way of life. All the settings in the story and so much more.

By the end of the revision video, our teacher had gotten a jar with pieces of papers in it.
I quickly underlined and circled a few things that I had written down before closing my book.

"This is for a group or paired assignment." Our teacher said as she dropped a piece of paper on our desks skipping a few of us as she did.

"When I finish going to go sit next to the person you get ." She said as she skipped me causing me to frown a bit.

Our literature teacher was a bit into those destiny things and would always do things to see how it would turn out, in my opinion, I thought she liked living on the edge.

"The assignment can be done on any book but you and the person or persons you work with must write about the same book. You will write a personal review of the book separately, each then a review of the book after going threw it together and sharing personal and assumptions of conclusions you both come up with."  She explained as she walked back up to her table.

"You can read, take a picture or write off what is expected of this assignment." She said as she projected guidelines and a few other things onto the board about the project.

"You may now go to your partners, all those who didn't receive a partner come to my table." She said once more before sitting around her table.

The room became really busy as almost everyone moved around.

I had reopened my book and was trying to write down as much as I could of what was projected onto the board.

The room was noisy, most of them all had already started to discuss.

I was begging to think that I didn't get a partner when someone suddenly sat beside me.

I looked over at the person as they slid the piece of paper that had my name on it into my book.

"Of course you would be the one to get my name," I said before continuing to write.

"Actually I got that redheads name and her boyfriend got your name, he asked me to switch and I did." He said indicating to the only girl in the class who had a head of ginger hair and her boyfriend who I think plays basketball.

"Ok class, settle down, please sit we only have about five or fewer minutes before the bell goes." Our teacher said while looking at her watch.

She directed our attention to the board as she simplified a few things as quick as she could but I couldn't pay much attention to her.
Terrance was full-on staring at me for some reason. I knew we hadn't seen or talked to each other for about a week and a half now but still he didn't have to stare.

He kept on staring at me but I ignored him, at least I tried to. He was sitting right beside me and although I was looking at the board I still could glimpse his form facing me, he seemed to be looking at my lips.

I wasn't able to take it any more. I slowly turned to him, he was indeed staring at my lips.

"What??" I ask feeling self cautious as I fought the thought of wiping off my mouth.

He slowly licked his lips and said " nothing" as he shook his head " your lips ... they just look so kissable" he said slow and calm after a while causing my heart to overreact, my eyes went wide and my mouth turned into a forbidden smile

"What?" I asked as I tried to give him a weird look but I couldn't stop smiling, the forbidden smile seemed to be taking over my face.

I quickly turned my head back to the board but I had already missed so much.

What was wrong with me I couldn't allow him to charm his way into my head, why was I even smiling? it made me feel so stupid and foolish.

Maybe it was the thought that I had his attention or the memories I had of his lips on mine but all I knew was the wide smile that I was fighting to go away seemed to have a mind of its own.

I was supposed to ignore him as he had done but instead, I was grinning like an idiot.
I could only imagine how constipated I must look right about now trying to stop my self from smiling.

Thankfully it seemed as if my luck was turning around because the bell rang ending what might have been a really self embarrassing moment for me.

I quickly grabbed my bag and placed one strap over my shoulder. I don't even bother to place my book nor pen into my bag I carried them in my hand and placed the pen into my pocket as I walked out the door with a few of my classmates.

I went in the opposite direction they all did which was exactly what I needed, to be by myself.

I had two hours and fifteen minutes of math this morning before literature with Terrance and trust me the last thing I wanted was for the boy that lived next door to me to override my mind. The same boy in which I seem to have an on and off future relationship with, the same boy I love being around but keep trying to tell myself otherwise.

This was ridiculous, I was ridiculous, weak and foolish why couldn't I just be strong and push Terrance away from the beginning.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't met Terrance if I hadn't opened my window that evening when I went home or would I still have met him on the bus to or from school or when James had introduced him to us.

Maybe we were destined to meet each other, but we're we destined to be together?.




He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now