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Terrance didn't accompany me on the bus. It took a while to accept that he wasn't coming.

It made me feel a little sad that he wasn't there, I just really liked seeing his face and smelling his cologne or aftershave, whatever it was I liked it.

I sat at a window seat and did my usual staring out the window at everything that we passed.

I liked the sight of everything passing by in a blur, in a way it reminds me of past memories, things that passed us by in life, moments we wished had passed by slower, and even though I pass these things almost every day I still liked looking out the window of a moving vehicle it really helped when it came to clearing my mind.

The first thing I did was go to my locker.

When I was taking out my books and placing my stuff in my locker I glimpsed Jazz and ski who soon walked over to me.

I pretended not to see them since Jazz was Coles step sister
and all.

"Hey."She Jazz said when we were standing face to face, Ski only smiled.

"I'm sorry about what Cole did." she then apologized.

"Thanks, but It's ok. He didn't do any damage after all." I responded.

"I know but you should of at least allowed Terrance to sink his eyes in a little more," she said as a smirk appeared on her face.

To be honest I didn't want to think about it. I mean nothing bad happened and I was thankful for that, so let it be done with now and that's just how I felt.

I closed my locker and started to walk towards my class.

"Can you believe his mother thinks I'm a bad influence on him." She laughed out loud as if it was the funniest thing ever while walking with me.

"She just can't accept that her husband prefers my mom over her, although I wouldn't mind if he didn't." She stated. I watched as she took an elastic that was holding her hair in one out letting her hair fall down her shoulders.

It was then that I noticed that all her hair was done in a slightly washed-out red colour.

It looked nice I must admit.
Ski, on the other hand, was walking quietly with us as she occasionally pushed up her glasses and looked over at us.

"Amanda!!." I heard Alissa calling my name, just after Jazz told me bye and walked away with Ski who waved.

"Thank god for your finally back. I for one think you've gotten enough time to yourself." She stated as she walked up to me and hugged me.

"I think so too," I responded with a smile, but if only she knew, if only she had the slightest idea.

I once loved being alone but now I spend those times thinking about when I'm with Terrance.

He's like a parasite that's taking over my mind slowly but surely.

"So what have I missed?." I asked her as she released me from her tight hug.

"Hummm." She mumbled as she stuck some of her shoulder-length brown hair behind her ears and avoided eye contact something she does when thinking about choosing the right words to say.

"Well, Coles girlfriend has been spreading rumours." She said as we started to walk.

"Expected. Do I even want to know?." I asked as I rolled my eyes, Coles girlfriend Cristina mostly known as Tina has been a pain in the ass for me ever since I could remember.

Basically from my very first day at this school, I think.

I think she was just afraid that I might have taken Cole away from her I mean she's his girlfriend and he calls me his wife. Which is super annoying but jealousy is an ugly thing.

She's been making my life a living hell along with any other girl Cole shows the slightest interest in and what have We done about it, nothing and what have I done when she sets her friends on me?, nothing I try to ignore her and yet still she continues to disturb my peace of mind. She finds joy in disturbing my equilibrium.

"You honestly don't want to but you should know I guess..... she's saying th......" she begins but I cut her off.

"Your right I don't want to know." I've been dealing with her for months now and I know by now that everything she and her friends do is never nice or done as a good deed.

In every school or grade, you had those sets of persons who are really popular. Well, in this case, Tina was. But she wasn't bubbly or fun, nor did she participate in a lot of school activities. She was just well known for a reason beyond me and everyone sucked up to her. Except me of course. I had no intention of finding out why everyone did.

She was just another human being and the way she treated people made me feel sick and very irritated of her.

I went to all my morning classes and was currently in the last session of the class I had before lunch. I wanted the bell to ring so badly.9

I was pretty sure this teacher didn't like me and she wasn't afraid to show it. It was obvious by the way she looked at me, talked to me and how I was the only student she shamed or made an uncalled-for remark at when I answered a question.

"Why are you even doing this subject!?." Her voice boomed in the classroom as she stared at me as if I was dum.

"You know what, your right," I said calmly not wanting to show how my insides were slowly beginning to heat up. It was like I could feel the transporting process of my blood speed up and my blood beginning to bubble.

I pushed my chair back slowly then stood, I tock up my bag and books before I walked towards to door.

"Amanda !! Stop!!, you stop right this instant young lady."
But I only ignored her, I didn't even look back, I was tired of pretending in away.

"Go back to your seat this instant unless I have no choice it to ...." I didn't get to hear what she said because I had walked out of the classroom and closed the door so I didn't hear.

But I did hear when she shouted 'Detention' at the top of her lungs after me. It even made me flinch a little.

I don't know why but today just, I don't know. Maybe it was just one of my hormones.

I mean scientific researches blame almost everything a woman does on hormones so I can too.

I haven't been concentrating in my classes nor have I been understanding much, it's all just a bunch of sturdiness and I hate not being able to understand something especially when it's being explained.

It makes me feel so frustrated, irritated and upset plus this awful teacher equals me trying to calm myself down.

I don't have anything to say. Lol.
The fight/ contention is in the next chapter.

Ho and y'all should make Unbroken {editing} your next must-read book. I even love it almost more than this.


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