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I brushed my teeth and that's when I noticed my phone lit up.

It was a message from Terrance. He had saved his number in my phone a few days back without my knowledge, I didn't save it because I was afraid my mother would see. I was just skipping threw unanswered messages a few days back when I noticed it.

*Staring is not polite* the first one said and I could definitely imagine him saying it in a low tone with his accent laced in each word.
*are you busy today? , if not meet me at the park around 9:00 or 10:00 *
The second message said causing me to smile.

I quickly took a bath, got dressed and did my hair, for some reason nothing in my closet seemed to look nice enough.

By the time I was finished it was ten o'clock and his car wasn't in his driveway like it was this morning anymore.

I took up my sketchbook and a reading book along with my pencils.
This was just for precaution, the only reason I go to the park is to read or sketch and I wanted it to look believable to my mother.

I was planning on just leaving a note to her and paste it on the refrigerator but to my dismay as I exited my room my mother also exited hers as well.

I watched a slight frown appeared on her face.

"Good morning mother," I started ignoring her frown.

Why is she even still here, why is it that all of a sudden she's here again when I wake up and when I come home from school?.

"I'm going to the park, it's been a while since I went there and my fingers are itching to get working," I told her telling the truth at first which quickly turned into a lie.

"Ok, dear." She said looking a bit sad as she analysed me which made me a bit nervous because her eyes seemed to be trying to enter my soul.

"I can stay if you don't want me to go. But you know the park is where I go and sketch to clear my head." I told her.
I knew she wouldn't stop me from going once I said that.

My mother was still analyzing like somehow she knew those words meant more than what I had said.

"No, it's ok dear." She replied causing me to smile and left without second-guessing.

By the time I was at the park, it was twenty minutes after twelve.

I had to wait for the eleven thirty-five bus since the eight o'clock bus was long gone.

I walked threw the park gates and as expected Terrance wasn't sitting on my bench but as I walked over to the tree where we sat the last two times we were here, I glimpsed him.

The closer I got I could see a girl standing there twirling her long straight brown hair around her fingers as she blinked her eyes way more than necessary down at Terrance who was resting back on the tree sitting on the lawn grass that surrounded the tree.

For a moment I stopped walking and was going to turn back, but my mind told me not to and for the first, in a long time I took a deep breath and followed my thoughts.

The closer I got the more familiar the girls to face began to look to me.

Where have I seen her before? I thought as I got closer

Until It hits me, she's the girl that was at the house I delivered the pizza to. She's the daughter of that woman my father cheated on my mother with.

That only fuelled me more to do what was on my mind.
I think her name was Lola.

Well, Lola you already have my father but you can't get Terrance. He is strictly off-limits.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now