Epic Embarrassment (5)

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Today I found out that I shared a literature class with Terrance. He sat a few rows down from me.
That seemed to be the only class I share with him and I must admit It I just can't see him as a literature guy, I just don't.

I couldn't help but think about the events that had happened that night. I wondered if he even remembered what had happened, or was I just taking it as a bigger deal than it really was?.

It was now lunch, just another typical day sweeping by. I went to my locker first to get the books I needed for the next session.

When I arrived in the cafeteria/ lunch room it was still empty except for a few people.

I walked all the way to a table that was near a fan almost at the back of the lunchroom.

I sat there doing my homework until someone annoying came by.

"Hey babe, how's ma wife doing this fine day?" He asked causing me to look up at him with annoyance written all over my face.

"If I didn't know any better I would think that you want me to go," Cole said in an amused voice.

"I do want you to go, we've been over this Cole, you draw too much attention and I don't like the type of attention which leads to crowds and gossips" I replied to him.

"My dear sweet Amanda, you know I wish or mean you no harm I'm just preparing you for the future" he stated innocently.
Which I responded to by rolling my eyes.

"You know I'm just waiting for that moment when you realize that your the princess in this fairy tale story we call life." He continued causing me to look at him weirdly, was he on drugs or something?

"I think you and I both know that I'm more like a side character but you can still be the king, dont let me stand in your way," I mumbled even though I wasn't quite understanding what we were now talking about.

Fellow atudents started to enter the lunchroom, a lot of which heading in our direction or may I say Coles direction
"Bye Cole" I stated as they came and sat beside him.

"But you vowed never to leave me, please don't go," he said dramatically as I got up and walked out of the lunchroom, he kept on calling my name as I left but I didn't look back.

I wanted a quiet place to go so I went straight to the library, I didn't like the librarians but you gotta do what you gonna do.

I had my next class after lunch and it was close to the library, so there wasn't any trouble there.

I walked into the library the cold air hit my body instantly as the doors closed behind me. I looked around trying to find an empty seat or table overall. Couples making out
-I'm so not sitting there. How does the librarian not see that? , Barbie clones bribing a nerd to do their homework- nope, the gossipers-nope, the weird geeks-nope, the gamers- nope - the pervs -nope, I continued to look until my eyes fell on the last table in the room.
The English, weirdish, cute next-door neighbour who has something strange going on with him -maybe - I thought as I stared over at his table.

Suddenly he looked up and his eyes met with mine

Damn now I have to go over there otherwise I'll seem like a creepy teen girl

"Hi," I said awkwardly but he didn't reply he only looked up then back at the book he was reading.
I open my bag and began to shuffle for my book and a pencil to underline important stuff.

When I finally felt it I pulled it out and placed it on the table I took a glimpse upwards and was met with his eyes

"Could you possibly be any louder?" he said obviously irritated by me already.

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