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It's not over yet

Book two for He's My Secret (unedited) will be called Revealing  Secrets

Just in case you didn't see my note before. It really doesn't matter if you read this book or Anellea's story first but Anellea's story is the second book.
none of my books will leave you confused.
I think
I hope 🤔

They will leave you wondering but no confused.

Book two will be released a month or less after He's My Secret (unedited) is completed.


When growing up, from the very first time, and I'm speaking for myself here on things I think happens to most females.
form the first time they or should I say we discover a little thing called fairytales all we want to do is to become a princess or to be in charge.

Now, this attitude stops around the age of 10 to 13 or 14, this is because by this time we've all figured out that the possibilities of us being a lost princess are very slim and we just have to wake up and face the fact that life isn't a big fairytale and you'll probably never get to meet your Prince Charming or a fairy godmother.

Why am I saying all this? well because our mindset on fairytales is what needed to change. We shouldn't have stopped believing.

Look at it this way, we are born princess, the life we live isn't fairytale perfect but it's real-life perfect enough and with the Prince part, he'll never be a prince for everyone but at least he'll be a prince to you and that makes sense, I guess, I think.

This was my normal thoughts whenever I took a shower if I wasn't thinking about Terrance or stressing about school. Some random thought.

Terrance had sat with me outside for lunch and drove me home after school. He still had some explaining to do but then again so did I, so I didn't dear to say anything about that to him.

I had eaten dinner with my mother as she talked about going to flight attendant school for the past few months while still doing her job as a receptionist not that close to our home. I didn't pay attention to most of the things she was saying because I was too high on my own little cloud.

I mean how could I not? Terrance was now officially mine even if we did have to hide from a few persons.

She talked to me, it was weird and unusual but I listened to as much as I could and as long as she didn't ask me what happened in my day at school today she could have never stopped talking.

I got dressed in my bathroom and of course, he would be here, today was basically our first day or night of being official.

There he was lying in my bed with a book in his hand reading.

I got in beside him as I looked over at him, he seemed to be so into the book.

"Your such a nerd," I said gaining his attention.
"I can't believe I ever thought you were a bad boy," I said laughing a bit.

"I am." He said, trying to confirm that he was bad.

"Not towards me your not," I replied which was a very good reply if I do say so my self. It caused him to open his mouth to respond then closed it before smirking.

He knew I was so right and he couldn't deny it.

He placed the book down and moved closer to me.

"You know this is basically illegal." He said out of the blues as he took one of my hands in his.

"What is?." I asked not knowing what he was talking about.

"Me climbing threw your window." He replied, now playing with my fingers.

"Not really, only if someone sees and calls the cops claiming to see a burglar," I confirmed as I looked over at the window.

"That reminds me, you promised to take me back to the cliff with the great view." I reminded him.

"yea I know ." He said, lacing his fingers with mine.

"So when are you going to bring me ?." I asked turning fully towards him.

"I'll bring you there so many times that you'll get sick of going there." He said causing me to smile.

This was nice, we were just laying and talking while he played with my hand.

I didn't want to spoil the moment but I had to know so I asked him.

"Were you the one who sent me that envelope," I asked


"And were you the one who tore out the pages of that same book?."

"That was an accident." He said causing me to look at him with raised brows.

"Are you upset about it."

"I was a bit, not really." Of course, I would be upset about it I cherish my books, reading books and sketchbooks.

"Well don't be, I already bought it back, see?." He said directing my view over at the new book that was on my bedside table that I had failed to notice before.

He really didn't have to buy it back, it wasn't like I was actually going to read it again. Once I read a book from start to finish I never read it again, sure I'll skip threw it at times rereading my favourite parts but never from the beginning straight to the end again.

But I wouldn't say that to him, the fact that he took responsibility in his hands and bought a new one was sweet.

I stretched across him and took up the book. They had remade the cover of the book, it was thicker and wag more vibrant now, everything else except that was still the same.

"Thank you," I said as I opened it causing him to nod his head in response.

"Maybe we could do our book report thing on this book." He said
"Or any one of your books for that matter, you have really good taste in books ." He told me causing me to smile.

But the truth was I've never actually bought a book for myself before except for school books of course. All my books were hand downs, I'd gotten most of them from Anellea and our grandmother. Maybe I didn't cherish my books because I loved reading but because they were given or passed down to me by people I cared about.

I had a few magic books in my closet that were hers, she was mostly into magic and young or new adult books which were actually quite nice.

I had responded thank you to Terrance and asked if he had any book he preferred to do our literature assignment on.

He laid there talking about books and that's the last thing I remembered.
Yep, he was definitely a nerd.

When I woke up in the morning he wasn't there though and thank god for that, I don't know what I'd do if I woke up beside Terrance, maybe enjoy his presence a bit before totally overreacting.




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