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He woke me up when we had reached our destination, back home once again.

Sadly he didn't kiss me on the cheek like I'd expected him to. He did rub my cheek though but that was ok because something told me that like what he said were just starting.

Plus to be fair he did kiss the side of my lips today. That tender soft feeling was stuck in my head and the feeling of wanting more was stuck in my body, running threw it over and over again like a bolt of electricity.

I had walked threw the back door and went to my room. I knew my mother was home because I could hear the sounds of her snores threw her partially opened door.

That alone made my heart go soft for my mother. I knew she only snored after a long hard day of work. Snoring for her indicates that she was very exhausted and tired.

I entered my room brushed my teeth and changed my clothes. My shower consisted of the warm water just running down my body as I relived every single great moment I've had with Terrance from the moment I met him to the very moment we had today.
I then changed into my nightwear clothes and fell asleep almost instantly.

If there's anything I hated, it was being woken up on a weekend especially when I had no dreams during sleeping.

"It's Saturday mum, try again on Monday," I said but she rocked my shoulder again.

"Yea, yea, I love you too mum now goes," I told her one last time as I grabbed and waved the other pillow on my bed around trying to hit a target.

"So vicious in the mornings," Terrance said as he laughed causing my eyes to fly open.

"Terrance?" I asked unbelievably as I turned around and stared at the tall good looking boy that was in my room. He had me completely speechless.

What was he doing in my room, why was he in my room, how ?.

"If your going to attend church with me tomorrow your gonna have to get up way earlier than this." He said with a straight face as he sat on the edge of my bed.

He looked as if it was just another day. He was in a pair of sweat pants and a thin white t-shirt that was loosely hanging on his body.

His hair looked a little unruly today as he used his hand to push back what had fallen on his face.

"What time is it,?" I asked as I sat up on the bed rubbing my eyes.

" Ten something." He replied as he dropped back on my bed.

"How did you even get in my room?." I asked him a little more than curious, still stunned that he was in my room.

"Window" he stated as he pointed in the direction of my open window.
"I climbed." He said once more leaving me shocked. I must have forgotten to close it last night.

" You climbed all the way up to my window," I said trying to confirm that I was indeed hearing what he was saying. I knew he could exit threw it so it honestly shouldn't have been such a shock that he could enter threw it also.

"It wasn't that hard, you might want to consider closing your widow as often as possible from now on."
He said as he stood up.

But why would I do that now when there's a chance of seeing Terrance in my room every time I leave it open?.

"Let's go." He said

"Where's my mom?" I asked stepping out of my bed. I knew that I was going to keep his company while he washed his car but to be fair he didn't give a time.

"She left a few minutes ago. More like half an hour ago, so I came to see if you were still going to accompany me."

I ran my hand over my face, I wasn't the most exciting person when woken up by someone, but for him, I was trying.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now