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As soon as it came on I saw messages starting to pop up from Alissa.

'I'm so done with Leo, there are so many rich boys in this family' one message said

'I'm gonna break up with him then get with someone new'
another and they just continued.

'You'll probably try to stop me but I need a super hot and a bit dangerous or completely dangerous boy who knows how to rock my world.
I'm not going back home until my world has been rocked tonight'

Now, this was the Alissa I was use to, I thought she had changed but I guess I was wrong.

"cute outfit change by the way, maybe you should get your world rocked as well' said the last one which meant that she was here.

Surly the urge to look at Terrance's phone grew, what was Taylor talking about? why did she think that my name was Alissa?.

I quickly walked to the nearest bathroom and pressed his home button but his screen was blank but by swiping up on the centre of the screen I was able to see all of today's notifications.

'Hi I'm Alissa you might have heard of me, your cute do you know that?.'

'Do you and Amanda have a thing, well it doesn't matter anyway because I want you to be mine.'

'Don't worry I have my ways and I will get to be alone with you tonight.'

" I see the way you've been looking at me, I have a proposal for you may be more of a warning"

I honestly couldn't bear to read anymore, this pain I felt in my chest wasn't pleasurable at all.

Alissa didn't know about Terrance and I but from the texts, I just read she obviously had a hint about what was going on and she should have asked me before trying to do smth like this.

I had to find Terrance right now Alissa had a way of manipulating people and I was afraid. It's not that I didn't trust Terrance it's just that I don't want to lose him but right now I had a feeling that I was going to have to lose Alissa.

I walked out of the bathroom and back into the huge living room where I was before. Everyone was talking and sipping champagne and I couldn't seem to find Terrance anywhere.

I was going to ask him about Melissa before jumping to conclusions. Over the years my mother was one to overreact and to be honest I'm afraid of being like that.
My heartbeat increased because I had an inner feeling that I didn't like.

I tried to rush out of the room to search for Terrance but Tallya stopped me.

"Thank you so much for helping me, it's sad that you'll have to go soon." She said to me as she stared me dead in the eye. What was that supposed to mean?

"Have to go soon?." I asked back almost immediately.

"Yes, of course. Terrance said that he couldn't keep you out too late." She replied with a sly smile but I could see that that wasn't at all what she had meant or maybe I was just jumping to conclusions.

"Where's Terrance?." I asked, really not liking this conversation right now.

"Oh, I saw him a few moments ago stumbling out of the room. Some girl spilt wine on his shirt so he had to go clean it, but between me and you he's always pretended to be drunk to get away." She stated while pointing in the direction he had left in.
"Oh and this girl followed behind him, the one that accidentally spilt red wine on him." I didn't like the way she said accidentally and I was totally looking too much into it, she then turned away but as she walked away I heard her mumble "I knew you were just here to pass time" and if I said that her words didn't cut deep then I would definitely be lying.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now