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After school was the normal cleaning detention and of course I went somewhere that Terrance wasn't.

Today I was doing it in the library and none of the girls where there, I was by myself with the librarian who was sitting around her front desk.

Thankfully this was a substitute librarian, she's been here for almost a week or so now and she's really better than the other ones.

She's nice, doesn't get upset with you if you ask her a simple question, and she doesn't run people out for unnecessary reasons.

I was placing books on the shelf's in their rightful places while listening to music.

I watched as she signals me and said that she'll be back,
then I went for the next set of books.

These books seemed to belong almost all the way to the back of the library.

Listing to my music I got to work again. Music always helped me to work faster.

I had the last book left to place back on the shelf when an intoxicating smell surrounded me.

But maybe it was just my mind, lately, every simple little thing seemed to remind me of Terrance and it's kinda driving me insane. How can someone be on your mind so often?

I know I'm the one who's avoiding him but it's still a nice thing to see his face or hear his voice, oh his addicting accent and tone. His curly soft hair and his amazing smell.

I stretched my hand up to place the last book on the shelf that was above my head where it belonged when a hand came in contact with the back of my hand and a presence was now standing behind me a little too close for comfort causing me to jerk a bit in fright.

My earphones were now out of my ears when I heard him whisper.

"You've been avoiding me." Causing a feeing I could never get use to , to run threw my body.

I allowed him to put the book in its place as I stood their speechless,
I shook my head no
"I've just been busy," I replied, he was standing so close behind me making my legs feel week, each breath he exhaled brushed against my skin causing the hairs on my body to stand straight.

I heard him chuckle in my ears causing me to turn around to face him. He was still so close and every step I took back he took one forward, my back was now pressed against the bookshelf.

I was avoiding him and he knew it so it really made no sense that I was lying.

I was looking everywhere but his eyes until he used his hand finally placing a finger under my chin to guide my head so that I would look in his eyes.

It was so hard to keep my breathing steady with him standing so close to me, his hand on my skin and the tone he was talking to me it was just too much for me.

"Do you like playing games, Amanda?." He asked taking me aback.

"Games?." I questioned back confused, I head what he said but I was just a bit stunned by his words.

I wanted him to know that I wasn't playing games with him but I couldn't, as dum, as this sound, I couldn't speak, I mean I could but I was afraid that I might have said the wrong thing.

"Yes games you seem to really like playing them with me ." He said as he inched closer , his hand now held my waist and the hand he held my face with and the way he held it caused my lips to slightly move apart.

I don't play games with him , or maybe that's what he thinks I'm doing. Does it really look that way?.

"Your playing with my heart." He said as he removed his hand from my face and used his index finger to tap on his chest two times where his heart was.

I've always had a fantasy with dangerous lovers but this couldn't possibly be real, it was Terrance but it reminded me of the Terrance I first met, it was odd and confusing, and I probably shouldn't have liked it but I did, I liked the way he looked calm and collected as he spoke to me, how his slow movements were exciting me and I liked how every move he made looked like me had played it over a million times in his head.

"You're looking at me funny. That way you do whenever I get close to you." He stated

I had a way I looked at him when he's near me? , well, to be honest, he was a bit close. 

"How?." I asked stammering a bit.

"Like I'm not real." He said as he stared deeply in my eyes, his eyes shifting to my face, my lips as he licked his then back to my eyes.

He chuckled once more, " I can assure you I'm very much real." He continued, his head dipped in the crock of my neck.

His nose brushed against my neck up to my cheek causing me to close my eyes and slightly tilted my head back as he hugged me.

I don't know what I had expected him to do or what I wanted him to do but I definitely didn't think that he would hug me, maybe a kiss on the cheek or on the side of my lips, but a hug?

But all too soon he had let me go, he'd left me wanting more of his presence.

He stepped back from me and said "I'll see you later." Then he was gone . He had left me speechless

What was that ? , I mean maybe I deserved whatever just happened because of how I've treated him these past weeks, but if that was his way of payback I'm gonna have to avoid him more for him to approach me like that more often.

He basically wiped my mind of why I was avoiding him. These past few weeks were used to clear my mind and to get right back on track with my life . When times got ruff everyone had a solution, my solutions where odd but they were mine.

Jazz brought me home, and my mom was gone once again. I cleaned everything thing I could, ate the food she had left for me, did my homework then took a bath.

There was really nothing compared to a hot steamy shower, so relaxing, so calming, so, so mind-clearing.

*Hit That woah!*


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