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My mother had returned home on Sunday, and I actually got to see her and talked to her face to face.

She told me about her new job and how it paid way more than her old job even when she worked overtime.

We drank tea together as we talked about our week.

I left out a lot of details of course when I told her about my week. I left out the part where I've been creeping around with the boy next door and not going to school, I left out the fight I was in and of course, I left out the fact that my lips had touched another.

That caused me to wonder how many things my mother was leaving off her week. How many things had happened and she'd left them out deliberately?

It felt odd how she reappeared here. I've been wondering how my father and she had been coping. He'd been calling me a lot but I just couldn't answer his calls, for some reason I felt betrayed like he had hurt me personally.

It made me wonder if someday I'd be in my mother's position, and if I'd continue to act normal and sane like her.
It made me feel slightly afraid.

To be honest it even slightly surprised me when she told me that I should talk to my father and that we all make mistakes.

I understood why she was doing this but she honestly didn't have to, I just wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I mean my parents have been threw so much together and the fact that he's basically betrayed her got to me deep.

By Monday morning she was off again and I was back at school. I had lied to her that I was working after school for extra credit, at the school and of course she believed me.

I've never lied to my mother about something like this before that might be serious but this hold of freedom I had was very valuable to me.

Alissa carried me to school that morning even though I had wanted Terrance to do it.
The conversation of the morning was about how her boyfriend Leo had dragged her to church and prayed for her, then he proceeded in telling her how wrong what we all did was. She even said that he had prayed for all of us including me.    

I went threw out my day not seeing Terrance, for some reason that made me feel relieved yet sad.

I just didn't feel like I wanted to be around any testosterone because of my father and all but a small exception could be made for Terrance.

I'd gone threw my day not seeing him, I did see Alissa a lot though, she kept on saying that she was totally dragging me to church with her and some afternoon church convention thing.

By the end of the day, there was no avoiding him.

I thankfully hadn't seen Cristina all day and had overheard a few persons saying that she got suspended.

So here we were in a lower-grade classroom marking test papers, sweeping out the class and writing morning work on the board for tomorrow.

We were currently unsupervised but knew that we had duties that must be done.

Terrance had walked in about 30 minutes late.
As he entered the room his eyes instantly met mine as he scanned the room.

He calmly walked over in my direction and placed his backpack on a nearby desk.

I tried not to stare at him too much as I continued marking papers.

"Need help?." He asked as he leaned on the desk I was marking the papers on. A cocky expression was on his face and he had a toothpick in his mouth.

Would allowing Terrance to help me look suspicious? , I wondered a little longer than I'd liked.

"Look I'm sorry about Saturday and Sunday." He apologized softly, after a while.

"There you go again with the apologies, if you keep this up I'm sure gonna start feeling special," I responded as I continued to mark the papers.

Sometimes I hated how my mind worked so much, and the things it allowed me to say, why couldn't I just live freely with an open mind?

He had no reason for apologizing for though. He hadn't done anything wrong, at least not anything that I saw in a bad way. He's not forced to interact with me every day and it is understandable if one of us was busy.
I mean I was busy with my mom and it seems as if he was also busy.

"Well don't get used to it." He chuckled before getting up from beside me and went to the back of the class.

He sat around there by himself with his phone and placed his earphones in his ears.

"Isn't he gonna even help us?." Alissa asked causing me to shrug as she placed her hands on her side and glared over at him.

"Leave him, we don't need his help anyway, "I responded, thankfully she agreed with me and paid no attention to him.

We did as many things as we could as quickly as possible. After a while, the girls started complaining about how thirsty and hungry they were and decided to go and check if the school cafe was still open.

They offered for me to come with them but I declined. I still had a few papers to grade.

A dead silence came over the room when they left making me fully aware of the only person that was in the room with me.

The worst part was that Terrance was always unpredictable, you never knew what he would say or do next.

This proved my theory when a chair was placed close beside me and he sat down in it.

Why did he even move, he sat there for a while, while I tried to ignore him but that was nearly impossible.

His scent surrounded me not to mention he was so close and unpredictable.

"So why don't you want Alissa to find out that we've been hanging out?." He questioned as he looked over to the door and then at me.

"I don't what to give her and a lot of other persons the wrong impression or image of me," I started as I continued to mark papers.

"And Is that the same thing for your parents, your afraid of the image they'll have of you .?"

"In a way, yes and at the same time not really," I said as I placed the pen I was using to mark down on the table.

"My parents don't approve when it comes to me hanging out with the opposite sex. Plus they had really bad experiences with Anellea and boys." I said with a small chuckle.

Pronounced:  An-Elle-a

My sister was about three years older than me. She had my mother's light brown eyes, mixed pretty hair, and was truly beautiful. A sight for sore eyes if you asked me.

She was always the wild type while I was always humble, but I had to admit her actions were always fun.

She'd always sneak around with boys and they were down to do the oddest most ridiculous things for her which we both took for fun.

It was always nice when she went on dates and lied that she was babysitting me so I had to come along and would end up with her date buying ice cream and other stuff for both of us.

My smile instantly turned into a frown when I remembered that she was gone.
Deep down I wasn't over her death, but to be honest I don't think I was truly over any tragic or sad thing that has ever happened in my life.

"Who is  Anellea?." He asked causing me to look at him with a slight frown on my face.

"She was my sister," I stated honestly, it made no sense in lying about it. Plus I wasn't ashamed of her I just didn't like talking about it.

Thankfully he didn't say anything else after that.

He allowed us to sit in silence, he even helped us with the last set of papers I had to mark.

Alissa came back a few minutes later with the girls with a bottle of water for me. I'd drank half of it and like always was forced to drink the rest.

Don't tell me y'all forgot about her sister already ??!!!!!??

Anellea is a side character that has a few major roles when it comes to contributing to the person Amanda currently is.

The things that are happening now will contribute to the type of person she will become.

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now