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I hadn't seen my mother for almost a week now, but she's been leaving money for me and notes on the kitchen counter.

I haven't seen my father either, it was like he had disappeared.

But I wasn't going to dwell on that because for the first in a long while I felt so happy and had nothing to worry about.

But then again, what if Terrance is just playing me if he's just playing with my emotions.
Or what if what I'm feeling now is just hormones and in the next month he'll appear unappealing to me or annoying or disgusting.

I knew Terrance wasn't ugly, I mean it was obvious from how the girls at school behaved around him or by how they talked about him.

But most of all what if he's like my father?.

I went to my bed of course thinking about him, something I recently seem to be doing a lot. I mean it was very hard not to think about him, about us.

I've known him for almost four weeks now, I mean that's long right? That's a month and I've seen my friends date guys they've only known for a week and sometimes even less.

I went to sleep with happy thoughts and dreamed of my first two-sided kiss.

I woke up before my alarm with a smiling face.

I can't believe that happened yesterday.

I did my normal morning routine: spread my bed, took a bath, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, got dressed, then went downstairs.

By now I saw no point in carrying my schoolbag because my mom wasn't there in the mornings anymore only notes along with money.

I took up the money and my phone. I replied to Alissa's good morning text then turned it off before placing it in my back pocket and walked out the door.

I bolted it then walked in the direction of the bus stop.

I looked out for him but saw him nowhere. I walked to the park by myself with hope and fear, what if he had changed his mind.

I mean what would I do if he doesn't show?.

I instantly started looking around like a paranoid woman who's afraid of people.

I looked over at my favourite bench and he wasn't there, I continued to walk and look for him but he wasn't anywhere to be seen until I finally spotted him.

He was sitting under the tree we were under the last time we were here. The one that had a nice view of the park's pond. I guess this was our spot.

I heart skipped a beat when I saw him causing, me to make a sudden intake of air.

quickly I recomposed myself and walked over to him.

"I thought you weren't gonna come." He stated as I took my phone out my back pocket and sat beside him.

"And why would you think that?." I asked but he only shrugged.

"Do you have any regrets?." I asked after a while causing him to look over at me.

"About the kiss I mean," I added quicker than necessary.

"No, do you?." He questioned as he looked back at the pond.

"No," I replied and that wasn't a lie I had doubts before but no regrets at the moment.

"Why didn't you kiss me back, when I first kissed you?"

He's  My Secret       (edited-ish)Where stories live. Discover now